Azkia Azkia


Stunting is a condition of malnutrition in toddlers that causes their height to be lower than other children their age. In 2022, South Kalimantan Province has a stunting prevalence of 24.6% and ranks fifteenth in Indonesia. Barito Kuala Regency, one of the regions in South Kalimantan Province, has the highest stunting rate at 33.6% which is included in the Chronic- Acute category (≥ 20%). This study uses the GWNBR model to characterize the factors that cause stunting in Barito Kuala Regency. The GWNBR model will make it easier for researchers to find out the factors that affect stunting in each sub-district. The weight matrix used is a fixed kernel function and an adaptive kernel function. The predictor variables used were the percentage of infant history of complete basic immunization, history of exclusive breastfeeding in infants <6 months, history of low birth weight babies, new visits to pregnant women (K1), sixth antenatal care (ANC) visit (K6), history of pregnant women who received blood supplement tablets, history of infants 6-11 months who received vitamin A, active posyandu and households with access to appropate sanitary facilities.(healthy latrines). The best model results obtained with adaptive gaussian weighting with an AIC value of 167.25.

 Keywords: Stunting Cases, GWNBR model.

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RAGAM: Journal of Statistics and Its Application 

Program Studi Statistika, Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Jalan A. Yani Km.36, Kampus ULM Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia 70714

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RAGAM: Journal of Statistics and Its Application is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.