Journal dentino a scientific journal published twice a year, and only publishes original articles on all aspects of dentistry and related disciplines. Terms of the published articles are never published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Articles can be classified as research reports, case reports and literature review that provides the latest information, innovative and review cases in dentistry to the reader. The article also should support the advancement of science, education and the development of dental practice. Scripts are written in Indonesian in accordance with the General Guidelines for Improved Spelling Indonesian, and the General Guidelines for the Establishment of terms. There can be no error in the script writing and the length of the manuscript should be proportionate.
Manuscript submitted in soft copy in the form of a compact disc (CD) and HVS printed on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) that can be delivered personally, sent by post to the Chief Editor Journal dentino Faculty of Dentistry LambungMangkurat University, Jl. Veteran No. 128 B 70232 Banjarmasin, Indonesia or in the form of attachments sent to your e-mail address [email protected]. Editor reserves the right to improve the content and language of the text without changing the meaning. The content is the responsibility of the author.
Typed manuscript using the program MS Word . Letter Times New Roman , size 12 for the title and 10 for the other. Titles in bold, and the Latin name is typed in italics (Italic) . Spaced manuscript 1, border-right, left, up, down 2.5 cm from the edge of the paper in A4 paper (210 x 297 mm). The length of the article should not be less than 10 pages and no more than 12 pages.Authors must follow the instructions scriptwriting.
Systematics Writing Articles
- The title should be short, clear and informative. Title maximum of 15 words (not more than 60 letters and spaces) with a capital letter.
- The author's name include the author's full name and title, shipping address evidence of publication, the name and address of the section where the author worked harusdisertakan.
Maharani Laillyza Apriasari
Section Mouth Disease
Study Program of Dentistry Faculty of Medicine
University Mangkurat Banjarmasin - Indonesia
Systematics of writing adapted to the types of articles:
- 1. The research report : abstract, keywords, correspondence, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and bibliography.
- Abstract made in Indonesian and English, with the arrangement of structured which is a brief description of the content (no more than 250 words), single-spaced, and are arranged in one paragraph with the arrangement: Background ,Objectives: , Methods , Results , conclusion: ( writing in bold / bold ).
- Keywords consist of 3-5 words are written in Indonesian and English under the abstract.
- Correspondence contain details of the author responsible for the mailing and e-mail (consisting of a full name, institution name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address).
- Introduction describes the background of the problem, formulation of the problem, and the purpose of research and its benefits for the future.
- Materials and methods is a description of the materials and methods that allow the reader to understand and be able to do back in future studies, as well as the examination of validity. Ethics research on animals and humans included.
- Results are presented in a logical and accurate with tables and illustrations are minimal, just to explain the study results are important. Presentation of the table flat for ease in reading.
- The discussion describes the results without repeating the results, how to answer the problem of the research results, the similarities and differences with previous research and possible development of research. Conclusions should be included in this discussion and suggestions if any.
- 2. Case report: abstract, keywords, correspondence, preliminary, cases, case management, discussion and bibliography.
- Abstract made in Indonesian and English, with the arrangement of structured which is a brief description of the content (no more than 250 words), single-spaced, and are arranged in one paragraph with the arrangement: Background ,Objectives: , Case: , Managing cases: , Conclusion: ( writing in bold / bold ).
- Keywords consist of 3-5 words are written in Indonesian and English under the abstract.
- Correspondence contain details of the author responsible for the mailing and e-mail (consisting of a full name, institution name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address).
- Introduction describes the background of the problem, formulation of the problem, and the purpose and benefits of case management for the future.
- Case describes the case description that includes the history and clinical examination. Nomenclature teeth should be made clear whether using the system Zygmondy, WHO, or Universal.
- Case management explained briefly and clearly about the actions taken equipped with the image before and after management.
- The discussion describes the results of research among repeat the results, how to answer the problem of the research results, the similarities and differences with previous reports and studies as well as the possibility of the development of case management. Conclusions should be included in this discussion and suggestions if any.
BibliographyBibliography written in the Vancouver system ( uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals ). The order of appointment of literature sources are written using Arabic numerals in order of appearance. All the author's name listed, but when more than six authors, only the first author-written six followed by et al. The number and volume of the journal must be specified. Edition, publisher, city, and the pages of textbooks must be specified. Sources of information taken from the Internet must be accompanied download time and web address. Journal abbreviations should be in accordance with the Index Medicus . Case reports should have more than 10 sources of literature.
Examples of writing bibliography:
JournalsThe author is less than 6
Sellappa S, M Balakrishnan, Raman S, Palanisamy. Induction of micronuclei in buccal mucosa chewing on a mixture of betel leaf, areca nut and tobacco. J Oral Sci. 2009; 51 (2): 289-92.
Author of more than 6
Nomura Y, Shimada Y, Hanada N, Numabe Y, Kamoi K, Sato T, et al. Salivary biomarkers for predicting the progression of chronic periodontitis. Arch Oral Sci. 2012. 57 (4): 413-20.
b. Books (author of the chapter)Kim S, Trowbridge H, Suda H. pulpal reaction to caries and dental procedures. In Cohen S, Burns RC, editors.Pathways of the pulp. 8 th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002. p.574.
Books (editor as an author)
Nanci A. Ten Cate's Oral histology: development, structure, and function. 7 th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2008. p. 151-6.
seminar papersBengtsson S, Solheim BG. Enforcement of the data protection, privacy and security in medical informatics. In: Lun KC. Degoulet P. TE Piemme, Reinhoff O, editors. MEDINFO 92. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Medical Informatics; 1992 Sep 6-10;Geneva, Switzerland. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1992. p.1561-5.
d. Conference Proceedings
Sutowijoyo A, Suardita K, Prasetyo EP. Restoring mastication by one visit endodontic as a preliminary treatment for immediate Overdenture. Proceedings of the National Scientific Meeting IKORGI I. Surabaya; 2010.p.131-4.
e. TranslationZarb GA, Bolender CL, Hickey JC, Carlsson GE. Textbook prostodonti for edentulous patients by Boucher.Ed. 10. Translations: Mardjono D. Jakarta: EGC; 2001.p. 288-90, 333-7.
f. The dissertation / thesisDewi N. Effect of Diabetes Mellitus on ekspresia melogenin and histomorfometri tooth germ of mice. Thesis. Yogyakarta: Faculty of Dentistry, University of Gadjah Mada; 2013.p. 41-5.
g. dictionary and reference the likeDorland's illustrated medical dictionary. 29 th ed. Philadelphia: WBSaunders; 2000. Filamin; p.675.
h. The article in the journal elektroik format.Lemanek K. adherence issues in the medical management of asthma. J PediatrPsychol [Internet]. 1990 [cited 2010 Apr 22]; 15 (4): 437-58. Available from:
- i. homepage / website
Consolini DM. Thrombocytopenia in infants and children. Available from . Accessed August, 11 2010