Background: Periapical radiographic x-ray exposure can damage living cells, one of which is erythrocytes which contain hemoglobin by forming free radicals. Antioxidant compounds are needed to counteract the effects of these free radicals. One of the natural antioxidant compounds is kasturi leaves which contain flavonoids, triterpenoids and tannins. Purpose: To analyze the effect of kasturi leaf extract on hemoglobin levels of male mice exposed to periapical x-ray radiography. Methods: This study used a true experimental method with a post test only design with a control group design. The samples used were 24 male mice aged 3-4 months which weighed 20-25 grams. Mice were divided into 4 groups, each group consisted of 6 mice. Group P1 was a group exposed to radiation 1 times a dose of 1 mGy with a dose of 0,2 ml of kasturi leaf extract, group P2 was a group exposed to radiation 7 times a dose of 1 mGy with a dose of 0,2 ml of kasturi leaf extract, Group P3 was a group exposed to radiation 10 times at a dose of 1 mGy with a dose of 0,2 ml of kasturi leaf extract, and group P4 was a group given the extract without radiation exposure. Results: The results showed hemoglobin levels in the P1 group = 7.2833 g/dL, the P2 group = 7.4800 g/dL, the P3 group = 12.7800 g/dL, and P4 = 12.4200 g/dL. Conclusion: The results showed that there was an effect of kasturi leaf extract on the hemoglobin levels of male mice exposed to periapical x-ray radiography. The results of the Mann Whitney test showed that the results of the P1 and P2 groups were significant to P3 and P4.
Keywords: Antioxidant, kasturi leaf extract, periapical radiography
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