Background: Teeth crowding is commonly caused by difference between tooth size and jaw size. One of the methods to analyze it is by using Howes method to assess whether apical base is fit to hold the teeth or not and also as determinant of treatment planning, whether patient is to be treated by extraction or expa nsion. Purpose : The purpose of this study is to describe dental and basal arch contraction distraction using Howes method, mean dental arch length and mean basal arch width of orthodontic patients at RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman. Method : The method was descriptive study with cross sectional approach. Samples were chosen using total sampling. Samples were 48 maxillary of orthodontic patients at RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman during September 2013-Juni 2014 fitted to inclusion and exclusion criteria previously set; consisted of 16 maxillary impressions of male subjects and 32 maxillary impressions of female subjects. Result : Result of this study presented mean maxillary Total Tooth Material (TTM) as 92.39 mm. Maxillary contraction distraction cases were 0 distraction case, 44 questionable cases, and 4 contraction cases. Conclusion : Based on the research has been conducted could be concluded that many patient were questionable cases.
Latar Belakang : Gigi berdesakan biasanya disebabkan perbedaan ukuran gigi dan ukuran rahang. Salah satu cara menganalisisnya menggunakan metode Howes yang bertujuan mengetahui cukup atau tidak basis apikal memuat gigi serta sebagai penentu rencana perawatan, pasien membutuhkan perawatan ekstraksi atau ekspansi. Tujuan : Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggambarkan kontraksi distraksi lengkung gigi dan lebar lengkung basal secara metode Howes, rerata panjang lengkung gigi dan rerata lebar lengkung basal pasien klinik ortodonti di RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Metode: Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara total sampling. Sampel penelitian ini 48 hasil cetakan maksila pasien klinik ortodonti RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman Periode September 2013-Juni 2014 sesuai kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi, diperoleh 16 hasil cetakan maksila laki-laki serta 32 hasil cetakan maksila perempuan. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rerata Total Tooth Material (TTM) maksila 92.39 mm. Kasus kontraksi distraksi maksila yaitu 0 kasus distraksi, 44 kasus meragukan dan 4 kasus kontraksi. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa banyak pasien yang mengalami kasus meragukan.
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