Alya Royyana, Amy Nindia Carabelly, Didit Aspriyanto


Background: Patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) have delayed wound healing. This happens because
of the depletion of neovascular number. Neovascular plays an important role in wound healing by restoring
blood flow to the wound area, so the new tissue gets enough oxygen and nutrition supply to proliferate. Toman
fish (Channamicropeltes) contains albumin that can increase and decrease the number of neovascular, so it’s
potentially become an alternative medicine to accelerates wound healing in DM. Purpose: The aim of this
research to prove the effect of toman extract dose 16 ml/Kg BW rat orally on the number of neovascular in
wound of diabetic wistar rats on the 4th,8th and 14th day. Materials and methods: This research used true
experimental method with posttest only control group design. This research used 36 wistar rats which were then
divided into 9 groups, toman fish extract dose 16 ml/Kg BW of rat group, haruan fish extract dose 13,54 ml/Kg
BW of rat group and BR2 feed only group. Research result: The results of One Way-Anova and Post Hoc Least
Significant Difference tests showed there was a significant difference between group of toman extract and group
of feed only, while on group of toman extract and group of haruan extract showed there was no significant
difference on 4th,8th and 14th day. The average value of toman extract-given group on 4th, 8thand 14th day were
14,75. 7,5 and 6,75 respectively. Conclusion: Toman extract has effects which are increasing the number of
neovascular on 4th day and decreasing the number of neovascular on 8th and 14th day in wound healing with


Diabetes mellitus, Toman fish extract, Neovascular, Wound healing, Wistar rats.

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