Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Jurnal Ecopsy is a peer-review journal that focuses on Environmental Psychology in Indonesia. We also accept research with other branches of Psychological, Environmental, and Ecological sciences related to human behavior in Indonesia's environmental issue. "Ecopsy" is the abbreviation "Eco" for Ecology and "Psy" for Psychology. 

The example of research topics that are suitable for our journal:

  • climate change and behavior
  • natural disaster and psychological condition
  • pro-environmental behavior
  • sustainable environmental behavior
  • urban or rural environmental behavior
  • behavior in physical environmental settings
  • mental health of interacting with environment, 
  • animal and nature protecting behavior, 
  • human-environmental interaction, etc. 

Jurnal Ecopsy published in the printed version and the electronic version ISSN numbers as follows:

ISSN       : 2354-7197

E-ISNN   : 2354-7634


Section Policies


  • Checked Open Submissions
  • Checked Indexed
  • Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the journal after going through an initial assessment by the Editorial Board will be reviewed by peer reviewers with conditions Reviewers identity unknown to the author and vice versa Identity author unknown Reviewers (Double Blind Peer Review). Thus the submitted manuscript does not contain the author's identity.

Publication Frequency

Published every April and October.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...

Publication Ethic

Jurnal Ecopsy has publication ethics which protects ethics for editors, authors, and reviewers.

The Editors

  • The editors are in charge of processing the manuscript. 
  • The editor should be fairness, neutral, and objective to process the manuscript. 
  • The editors ensure the double-blind review with confidentiality of authors and reviewers identity. 
  • The editors accept the author complaints.
The Authors
  • The authors should comply with author guideline and manuscript template of Jurnal Ecopsy. 
  • The authors must ensure that the manuscript is original, not being process on other journals, and never published. 
  • The submitted manuscript must free of plagiarism or self-plagiarism. 
  • The reported study should comply with the ethical principles of research.

The Reviewers

  • The reviewers are obliged to make an objective decision: rejected or accepted (with or without improvement/revision). 
  • The reviewer should give input, suggestions, recommendations, and constructive critics to improve the quality of the manuscript. 
  • Reviewers should uphold the principle of confidentiality in the review process.


Plagiarism Policy

Jurnal Ecopsy always checks the similarity rate or plagiarism indication using turnitin. The threshold of similarity rate that we accept is 20%.

Abstracting and Indexing Service

Citation Analysis:

Purchase of the Print Version

The reader or author will be charged 100,000 (IDR) per issue (excluding shipping costs) when requesting a print version. To request the print version of the issue please click this link: https://bit.ly/pemesananprintjurnalecopsy or contact us at [email protected].