
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines


  1. To submit an article, authors must first register. After registration, log in using the registered account and follow the submission steps. Ensure the uploaded file is in doc/docx format (Microsoft Word) and that all authors are included in the metadata.
  2. Manuscripts must be typed in 1.15 spacing, using Arial Narrow 11 pts font, on A4 paper with margins set at 3.5 cm on the left, 4 cm on the top, 3.5 cm on the right, and 3 cm at the bottom. Submissions should be in doc/docx format (Microsoft Word).
  3. The article must be the result of educational research or a scholarly work in the field of mathematics education (look at Focus & Scope).  
  4. It can be written in either Indonesian or English, using an essay format accompanied by titles for each section (subheadings).  
  5. Headings and subheadings are formatted with different font styles and bolding based on their rank:  Level 1 headings: All capital letters, bold, centered; Level 2 headings: All capital letters, bold, left-aligned; Level 3 headings: Capitalized initial letters, bold, left-aligned.  
  6. The article title is written in all capital letters, centered (Level 1), and set in 12 pts font size.
  7. Structure for Non-Research Articles:  Title , Author name (without academic titles), Affiliation, Email address, Abstract (maximum 200 words) in both Indonesian and English  
  8. Keywords (3–5 words/phrases), Introduction: Background and objectives or scope of the article, Main discussion (divided into subheadings), Conclusion: Including findings and recommendations, References.  
  9. Structure for Research Articles:  Title, Author name (without academic titles, Affiliation  
  10. Email address, Abstract (maximum 200 words) in both Indonesian and English, Keywords (3–5 words/phrases), Introduction: Includes background, supporting theories/literature, prior research findings, significance, novelty, and research objectives, Research methodology, Results and discussion, Conclusion: Including findings and recommendations, References.  
  11. Citation, referencing, and reference list formatting should adhere to the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines. Authors are encouraged to use reference management tools like Mendeley, EndNote, or Zotero. A minimum of 15 references is required, with at least 80% sourced from recent journal articles (published within the last 10 years).  
  12. Articles written in Indonesian must comply with the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI). Articles in English should use formal language.  
  13. The maximum allowable plagiarism threshold is 20%.  
  14. Authors are advised to use the EDU-MAT article template for their articles. The editor reserves the right to reject articles that do not conform to the EDU-MAT style guide.  
  15. Upon acceptance, authors must complete a Copyright Transfer Agreement and return it to the editor in soft copy via email at [email protected] or as a hard copy to the editorial address of EDU-MAT: Journal of Mathematics Education. 


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)

Article Online Publication: 500000.00 (IDR)

This journal charges the article publication fee for supporting the managing of the various costs associated with handling and editing of the submitted manuscripts and the Journal management and publication in general. The author is requested to pay a publication fee for each article accepted. The payment also included DOI registration for each paper. This Journal Charges valid for authors who submit articles from July 10, 2021 onwards.