Comparative Analysis of Maceration and Soxhlation Extraction for The Total Flavonoid Content of Sungkai Leaves (Peronema canescens Jack.)

Fahriza Kusuma Jaya


The sungkai leaf (P. canescens Jack.) is an indigenous plant of Indonesia that has been utilized as a mouthwash and for treating minor wounds in traditional medicine. This study aimed to determine the total flavonoid content of P. canescens Jack leaf extract using maceration and soxhlation extraction methods. The total flavonoid content in the leaf extract of P. canescens Jack was determined using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer and a colorimetric technique (AlCl3) at a wavelength of 412 nm. The results were reported as the total flavonoid content in quercetin equivalent (EQ). The maceration step yielded 7.30%, whereas the soxhlation process yielded 15.34%. The maceration method yielded a total flavonoid content of 81.19 mgEQ/gram extract, whereas the soxhlation process yielded a flavonoid content of 69.068 mgEQ/gram extract.

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