Pengaruh Variasi Konsentrasi PVA dan HPMC Terhadap Stabilitas Fisik Masker Gel Peel-Off Ekstrak Metanol Biji Pepaya (Carica papaya L.)

Rizky Nur Amaliah, Dina Rahmawanty, Prima Happy Ratnapuri



Carica papaya merupakan salah satu tanaman yang memiliki aktivitas antioksidan. Namun, biji C. papaya kurang dimanfaatkan, hanya digunakan sebagai bibit, dan sisanya dibuang. Sediaan yang dibuat dalam penelitian ini adalah masker gel peel off ekstrak metanol bji C. papaya dengan variasi konsentrasi HPMC dan PVA. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan pengaruh kombinasi HPMC dan PVA terhadap kestabilan formula gel selama perlakuan cycling test selama 6 siklus. Tiga formula sediaan masker gel peel off yaitu F1 (HPMC 2%: PVA 10%), F2 (HPMC 3%:PVA 9%), dan FIII (HPMC 4%: PVA 8%). Hasil evaluasi (daya lekat, daya sebar, pH, waktu kering, dan viskositas) penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS dan level kepercayaan 95%. Kombinasi HPMC dan PVA memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap nilai daya lekat, daya sebar, pH, viskositas, dan waktu mengering (p<0,05). Hasil stabilitas penyimpanan 6 siklus pada daya sebar dan daya lekat hanya FIII yang stabil, stabiltas pH FI, FII, FIII menunjukan kestabilan, sedangkan stabilitas viskositas baik FI, FII, dan FIII tidak menunjukkan kestabilan.

Kata Kunci : Biji C. papaya, Gel masker peel off, HPMC, PVA


Carica papaya is a plant that has antioxidant activity. However, C. papaya seeds are underutilized by the community, only being use as the seed for proliferation and the rest is discarded. It the dosage form that made in this research is peel off gel mask of methanol extract from C. papaya seeds with variances concentration HPMC and PVA. This research determined the effect to the stability of the gel formulation during cycling test for 6 cycles. These types of formula that made were FI (HPMC 2%:PVA 10%), FII (HPMC 3%:PVA 9%), and FIII (HPMC 4%:PVA 8%). The evaluation results (pH, viscosity, drying time, spreading and adhesion ability) were analyzed using SPSS with 95% confidence level showed that variances concentration of combination HPMC and PVA had significant influence on the spreading and adhesion ability, pH, viscosity, and drying time test (p<0,05). The storage stability of 6 cycles on adhesive and spreading test only FIII was stable, pH stability at FI, FII, FIII were stable, while the viscosity stability at FI, FII, and FIII were not stable.
Keywords: C. papaya seeds, peel off gel mask, HPMC, PVA

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