Planning Cash Flow Payment Systems Progress per 25% EST and LST Conditions in the State Court Office Building Project, Balangan Regency

Ahmad Zidni Muzandry, Henry Wardhana


In a construction project, cash flow is strongly influenced by the schedule, namely the activity to determine the time required and the sequence of activities and the completion time. Therefore, the role of cash flow planning is very important in project implementation. Because the flow of money coming in and going out must always be balanced. The purpose of this study is to determine the steps for  cash flow of the termijn payment system including progress per 25%, determine how much  cash flow the termijn payment system progress per 25% EST and LST conditions, and determine which cash flow the termijn payment system progress per 25% between EST and LST conditions that can provide the maximum benefit for the contractor. A short step to analyze the data in this study is project scheduling with a description and sequence of each activity taken from the schedule, then making a network diagram which in this study uses the CPM method, then the duration of the project work is obtained. Then make a cash flow with the termijn payment system with a progress per 25% on EST and LST scheduling conditions. The results of data analysis show that the termijn payment system in progress per 25% which provides the maximum profit for the contractor in this study is the LST condition with a net profit of IDR 325,817,567.97 or 7,13747% of the contract value.


Keywords: Cash flow, CPM, Earliest Start Time (EST), Latest Start Time (LST)

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