In the construction world, there are often problems with theof concrete in special constructions where normal concrete cannot be applied. Another obstacle that often occurs is waiting for the concrete to reach its optimum strength at the age of 28 days so that the next structural work can then be continued. Therefore, flow concrete with increased initial strength was developed. The process of making flow concrete in this study aims to use local aggregate of South Kalimantan andesite stone with an abrasion value of 13.8% as one of the new coarse aggregates with superplasticizer Viscocrete 1050 HE and Plastiment VZ.
This research is an experimental test in a laboratory with a cylindrical specimen with a diameter of 11 cm and a height of 22 cm. The levels of Viscocrete 1050 HE were 0%, 1%, 1.55% and 1.75% by weight of cement, while the levels of Plastiment VZ were 0.15% and 0.2%, respectively. Concrete mix planning refers to SNI-2834-2000 with fresh concrete tests including slump test, slump flow test and T500. Testing of hard concrete is a test of compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength of concrete. Parameters reviewed were paste setting time, concrete flowability, compressive strength, tensile strength, and flexural strength of concrete.
The results showed that the binding time increased with increasing levels ofusage superplasticizer. Fresh concrete testing all variations meet the requirements of flow concrete except normal concrete variations. The optimum levels for the test requirements of fresh concrete and hard concrete were found in the variation of Viscocrete 1050 HE 1.75% with a slump value of 23 cm, slump flow 650 mm, T500 3 seconds, compressive strength 39.66 MPa, and tensile strength 2.51 MPa.
Keywords: Flow Concrete, Initial Strength Improvement, Andesite Stone, Superplasticizer
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/crc.v6i4.13196
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