Bati-Bati Subdistrict is the economic route for Banjar Regency, Tanah Bumbu Regency, and Kotabaru Regency which can be seen by the presence of warehousing buildings. This is one of the causes of land-use changes in Bati-Bati District. Changes in land use resulted in reduced water catchment areas and increased surface water runoff. So that in planning the warehousing area it is necessary to plan infiltration wells that function to reduce surface runoff and absorb water into the ground. This study aims to analyze the design of infiltration wells in a warehouse complex as an alternative to reduce surface runoff. The dimensional analysis of porous infiltration wells refers to the planning procedures for rainwater infiltration wells regulated in SNI 8456: 2017. From the calculation results, it is found that porous-walled wells with a depth of 3 m total 21 wells with a diameter (D) = 0.8 m, 17 wells with D = 1 m, and 12 wells with D = 1.4 m.
Keywords — Warehousing area, infiltration wells, rainfall, Bati-Bati Kecamatan District
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/crc.v6i6.13203
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