Ida Barkiah, Syahrizal Rizki Haryandito


To overcome the low soil carrying capacity I the Banjarmasin city, in addition to planning a good foundation, it is also necessary to choose lighter materials, one of which is steel material. As the topic of the study, Phase II of the Design of the South Kalimantan Provincial Health Laboratory Building uses a steel structure, a simulation will also be carried out by increasing the number of floors to then re-examine the capacity of the existing understructure. The design results for secondary beams and primary beams use WF 346x174x6x9 and WF 400x200x8x13, columns use H profile 350x350x12x19. Rigid Connection is carried out on the connection of moment-resisting beams and Simple Connection on the secondary beam-primary beam. The capacity of the existing substructure after planning the building structure with steel structures indicates that the existing substructure can still carry the maximum load if one floor is added.

Keywords: LRFD, OMF, Steel Structure, Rigid Connection, Simple Connection, Earthquake, Pile Foundation, Pile Cap

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