The Effect of Water Table and Rainfall on the KBDI Drought Index in the Liang Anggang Protected Forest Area Block 1

Nur Nailia, Novitasari Novitasari


Peatlands in Indonesia cover an area of more than 7% of the land area, which is around 14.95 million hectares spread over the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Papua and a small part of Sulawesi. The utilization of peatlands is carried out by clearing land and constructing a drainage network. This results in peatlands being unable to absorb water, causing a decrease in the water level (TMA) as well as land fires and irreversible drying. This also occurs in a protected forest in Liang Anggang District, Landasan Ulin Utara. This study aims to determine the drought index on
peatlands in the Liang Anggang Protected Forest Area, South Kalimantan, for hotspots.
This study uses an analytical method by collecting rainfall data from 2000 to 2021 obtained from the Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Class II Meteorological Station. Then the data will be processed using analysis from the Keech Byram Drought Index (KBDI) model of modification of the physical properties of peat. The results obtained from this study are data to determine the drought index on peatlands in the Liang Anggang
Protected Forest Area, South Kalimantan, for hotspots and the level of the KBDI drought index, which affects the spread of hotspots where the higher the KBDI drought index is at an extreme level, the hotspots more and more.

Keywords: Fibric Peat, KBDI modification, Hotspot, Liang Anggang Protection Forest

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