The function of the foundation is very important in building construction. Foundation planning is intended so that a load can be supported up to a certain safety limit and the maximum load that may occur. The upper structure is supported by the lower structure as a foundation that interacts with the soil and will provide security for the superstructure. This plan analyzes the bearing capacity of the pile foundation due to lateral forces. The method is the Brinch Hansen method to determine the value of the lateral bearing capacity of the permit and the Allpile V 7.3B computer application method to determine the results of calculating the lateral deflection with variations in the length of the pile 20m, 25m, 30m, 34m, 40m and variations in the dimensions of the circular pile. D30, D35, D40 and square 30x30, 35x35, 40x40. Based on the calculation analysis, the square cross-section produces a larger permit lateral bearing capacity than the circular cross-section, while the lateral deflection produced by the square section is smaller than the circular section.
Keywords: Pile Foundation, Lateral Load, Deflection, Brinch Hansen Method, Allpile V 7.3B Computer Application MethodFull Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.20527/crc.v8i7.13431
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