The Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said that referring to BPJS Employment data in 2019; there were 114,000 work accident cases in 2020, an increase in January to October 2020 range; BPJS Ketenagakerjaan recorded 177,000 work accident cases. Shortly, there have been several cases of accidents on the bridge, one of which is the HKSN Banjarmasin Bridge in September 2020. An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) risk analysis was carried out on this bridge work because the bridge work was more complicated and technical.
The method used to control K3 is Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC), collecting data obtained by questionnaires in which risk variable data, then analyzing the causes of risk using the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method and responds to these risks. Nine people were determined to be the respondents in this study by a mixed method of purposive and snowball methods. In the conclusion of this study, there are 69 risk variables, where after a risk assessment using the HIRARC method, four risks are classified as high and extreme.
Some actions can make appropriate control efforts. Examples are periodic monitoring and evaluation, providing rewards and punishments to increase safety awareness among workers, including PPE on the BOQ, safety talk once a week, toolbox meeting before work, providing first aid kits in the field, and making warning signs and making work method.
Keywords: risk, OHS, HIRARC, control efforts
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