Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Tentang Kerajinan Tas Purun Hias Kerjasama Dengan Desa Wisata Kampung Purun

Fifi Swandari, Laila Refiana Said, Gusti Rina Fariany



The objectives of this Community Partnership Program or PKM activity are as follows: (a) participants are able to decorate Purun bags, (b) participants understand how to market decorative Purun bag crafts and (c) participants earn additional income by making these crafts. This goal is sought to be achieved with the method of training and lectures. Its implementation through several stages of activity. Phase 1 activities were held on Friday, 19 August 2022. Phase 2 was held on Saturday, 24 September 2022. Stage 1 consisted of decorating purun bags while stage 2 consisted of making furing and continuing to decorate bags. Phase 3 was carried out on Saturday, 26 November 2022. Phase 3 activities were filled with: (a) promotional lectures using social media, in this case using Facebook, (b) announcement of winner bags. The plan is that after the service will continue to produce 20 purun ornamental bags. The service team will also accompany promotions to IG community leaders, as well as accompany participants to sell through local e-catalogs. This activity can be considered successful because of the following indicators: (a) participants' knowledge increases, (b) participants are able to decorate purun bags, (c) there are participants who have succeeded in selling their work and (d) requests for plain bags to decorate themselves until the report this is still ongoing. This activity was also published in the B Post/Tribune News and uploaded on You Tube


Keywords: purun decorative bag; marketing via facebook; endorse community leaders; local e-catalog.

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