Implementation of the WASAKA Learning Model on the Topic of Heat and Temperature
This research aims to delineate the implementation of the WASAKA learning model and describe students' responses to this learning model through a one-to-one test. This study employed the Educational Design Research (EDR) methodology, encompassing two stages: the preliminary stage and the formative evaluation stage. Ten students participated in a one-to-one test during a single meeting, focusing on learning heat and temperature topics in the Fundamental Physics lecture. Research instruments included observation sheets and response questionnaires, with data analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the data analysis revealed an average score of 5.00 for implementing the WASAKA learning model, categorizing it as "very good." Additionally, students' responses to this learning model were highly positive. The conclusion drawn from this research is that the WASAKA learning model is well-suited for application in Fundamental Physics lectures covering heat and temperature topics.
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