Students’ Response to the ECIRR Learning Model Containing Local Wisdom on Linear Motion Topic

Lutfiyanti Fitriah, Akhmad Firdaus, Dahlia Dahlia, Septiana Septiana, Ani Cahyadi


This research aimed to describe students' responses to the ECIRR learning model that contained Nusantara's local wisdom on the topic of linear motion and to describe the implementation of the learning model during trials in small groups. The type of this research and development was ADDIE. The subjects of the small group were ten students who learned Fundamental Physics. The data instruments were response questionnaires and observation sheets. The data analysis technique was descriptive statistics. Based on the data analysis, it was known that the students gave a positive response to the developed learning model. In addition, implementing the learning model in lectures was very good. Thus, it can be concluded that the ECIRR learning model containing local wisdom can be used in the Fundamental Physics lecture on linear motion.


ECIRR Learning Model; Local Wisdom; Response; Linear Motion

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