The position displacement in this study is the distance measured from the position on the national base map to the position measured in the field using the Garmin 78s type GPS. This study aims to analyze the magnitude of the position displacement between the Garmin 78s type GPS data against the National Base Map at the Martapura (1712-52) sheet location. The sampling method used was purposive sampling as many as 180 sample points. The analytical method used is descriptive statistical analysis, so that the magnitude of the position displacement to the national base map can be seen through the use of arcGIS software. The distance error is the difference between the coordinates of the database and the coordinates obtained in the field using a Garmin 78s type GPS device. The magnitude of the position displacement is calculated from the coordinates of each sample point. The results showed that there were variations in the magnitude of the position displacement between the database and the different fields at each sample point. The range of the magnitude of the position displacement in distance is generally under 14 meters, while the position displacement of more than 14.00 meters is only 5%, the farthest position displacement is 17.09 meters. The most position displacement from the coordinates of the sample points due to the use of the 78s Garmin GPS, which is less than 2 meters, as much as 32% or as many as 57 samples. The average value of the position displacement in the distance between the Garmin type 78s is 6.20 m and the weighted average value is 7.02 m for the position displacement between the database and the coordinates in the field.
Pergeseran posisi dalam penelitian ini merupakan jarak yang diukur dari posisi pada peta dasar nasional terhadap posisi hasil pengukuran dilapangan menggunakan GPS tipe Garmin 78s. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis besarnya jarak pergeseran posisi antara data GPS tipe Garmin 78s terhadap Peta Dasar Nasional pada lokasi lembar Martapura (1712-52). Metode pengambilan sample dilakukan secara putposif (purposive sampling) sebanyak180 titik sampel. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif, agar besarnya jarak pergeseran terhadap peta dasar nasional dapat diketahui melalui pemanfaatan software arcGIS. Jarak pergeseran merupakan perbedaan antara titik koordinat dari database dengan titik koordinat yang didapatkan di lapangan menggunakan alat GPS type Garmin 78s. Besarnya pergeseran dihitung dari koordinat setiap titik sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya variasi besarnya pergeseran posisi antara database dengan lapangan yang berbeda di setiap titik sampel. Rentang besarnya jarak pergeseran umumnya di bawah 14 meter, sedangkan yang lebih dari 14,00 meter pergeserannya hanya 5%, jarak pergeseran terjauh adalah 17,09 meter. Jarak pergeseran yang paling banyak dari koordinat titik sampel akibat penggunaan GPS Garmin tipe 78s yaitu kurang 2 meter sebanyak 32% atau sebanyak 57 sampel. Nilai rata-rata hitung jarak pergeseran GPS Garmin tipe 78s adalah sebesar 6,20 m dan nilai rata-rata terbobot sebesar 7,02 m terhadap jarak pergeseran antara database dengan koordinat dilapangan.
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