Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Focus And Scope Of Journal


Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, publishing original papers, reviews and short reports on all aspects of science, philosophy and practice of public health community service report. Especially those related to:

  1. Environmental Health 
  2. Occupational Health and Safety
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Biostatistics and Population
  5. Community nutrition
  6. Health Policy Administration
  7. Health Behavior and Promotion.
  8. Reproductive Maternal and Child Health

Section Policies


  • Checked Open Submissions
  • Checked Indexed
  • Checked Peer Reviewed

Publication Frequency

The Indonesian Public Health Journal (JPKMI) publishes 3 (three) numbers every year, namely in April, August and December.

First published was Vol. 1 No. December 1, 2014. Available online version of Vol. 1 No. December 1, 2014

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports greater global exchange of knowledge.


Journal Archiving


Jurnal ini menggunakan sistem LOCKSS untuk membuat sistem pengarsipan terdistribusi di antara perpustakaan yang berpartisipasi dan memungkinkan perpustakaan tersebut untuk membuat arsip jurnal permanen untuk tujuan pelestarian dan restorasi.

Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) uses guidelines issued by the Publication Ethics Committee (Commission on Publication Ethics / COPE). JPKMI requires all articles involving human subjects to respect the principles of research ethics as stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. Research involving animals as subjects is also required to comply with the International Principles for Biomedical Research issued by the International Council of Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS). Ethical publications must be clear to improve the quality of research. JPKMI COPE adapts to meet ethical standards for both publishers, editors, authors, and reviewers.

The following are ethical standards for editors, authors, and reviewers.


1. The editor must be responsible for every article published in JPKMI.

2. Editors must help authors to follow the Guidelines for authors.

3. Editors can communicate with other editors or reviewers in making final decisions.

4. An editor should evaluate manuscripts objectively for publication, judging each on its quality without regard to the author's nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation. Editors should decline assignments when there is a potential conflict of interest.

5. Editors need to ensure that documents sent to reviewers do not contain information from the authors, and vice versa.

6. The editor's decision must be informed to the author accompanied by the reviewer's comments unless it contains comments that are offensive or defamatory.

7. Editors should respect requests from authors that someone not review submissions if this is reasonable and practical.

8. The editor and all staff must guarantee the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts.

9. The editor will be guided by the COPE flowchart if there is any suspicion of error or disputed authorship


1. Reviewers comment on possible errors in ethical research and publication.

2. Reviewers must do the work on time and notify the Editor if they cannot complete the work.

3. Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.

4.Reviewers may not accept and review manuscripts if there is a potential conflict of interest between them and the author.



1. The author ensures that the material to be published has not been published and sent elsewhere simultaneously.

2. Authors must ensure the authenticity of their research and that they have cited other people's opinions correctly according to the reference format.

3. The author is not involved in plagiarism.

4. Writers must follow the criteria explained in the writing guide to JPKMI writers.

5. Authors are not advised to publish personal information that could create an identifiable identity for patients in the form of descriptions, photos or pedigrees. When patient photos are very important and indispensable as scientific information, the author has received written consent and has clearly stated it.....

6. In the case of human experiments, the authors declare that the research complies with the ethical standards of the Helsinki declaration, which governs human experimentation. If any doubt is raised as to whether the research is proceeding in accordance with the declaration, the author should clarify this. In the case of experiments on animals, the authors have stated that the authors have followed the guidelines and abroad related to animal experiments in laboratories.

7. Authors must submit data and details to the editor, if falsification or data fabrication is suspected.

8. Authors must explain everything that could give rise to a conflict of interest such as employment, research costs, consulting fees, and intellectual property in the JPKMI guidelines for authors.

Author's Ethics Statement

Author's Ethics Statement

The undersigned below




Article Title


No. Mobile Phone                       


Email address


Office address


  1. The author is responsible for publication of the attached article.
  2. The author has approved the article to be published according to the format of the Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI)
  3. The article has never been published in another journal/media, and while it is being processed in the Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI), I will not retract/transfer it to another journal/media.
  4. Articles have been submitted with the knowledge and permission of the relevant agencies/institutions.
  5. It is not the result of plagiarism and does not contain elements of plagiarism.

 Thus, I will take responsibility for this statement letter and use it properly.


....[place]..... , ….[date].....

Author 1/2/3/4/...


[stamp Rp. 6000]



Click here to download this form.


Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The reviewer and author are anonymous.

  • Author anonymity prevents reviewer bias, for example based on the author's country of origin or previous controversial works.
  • Articles written by prestigious or well-known authors are considered based on the content of their papers, not their reputation.
  • Reviewers can often identify authors by their writing style, subject matter or self-citation.

For journals that use double blind peer review, the identities of the reviewers and authors are hidden from each other throughout the review. To facilitate this, authors should ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in such a way that they do not reveal their identities to reviewers, either directly or indirectly.

Therefore ensure that the following items are present in your submission and provided as separate files:

1. Title page

The title page will remain separate from the manuscript during the peer review process and will not be sent to reviewers. This should include:

  • Manuscript title
  • All authors' names and affiliations
  • Complete address of the author concerned, including e-mail address
  • Thank-you note
  • Conflict of interest statement

2. Anonymized manuscript

Please remove identifying information, such as author names or affiliations from your manuscript before submission.

In addition to removing names and affiliations below the title in the manuscript, other steps need to be taken to ensure the manuscript is properly prepared for double blind peer review. The important points to consider are:

  • Make sure figures and tables do not contain references to author affiliations.
  • Excludes acknowledgments and references to funding sources. Use the title page, which is not sent to reviewers, to detail this and to declare any potential conflict of interest to the Editor.

Author Fees

Author Fees


This journal charges the following author fees.

Manuscript Submission Fee: 0.00 (IDR)

Article Publishing Fee: 500000.00 (IDR)
After the manuscript is received, the corresponding author will be contacted to make payment for the manuscript handling fee. Please note that in the manuscript management system, the payment option is only enabled for manuscripts that have been accepted for publication.


BNI a.n. dr Iskandar

Journal Vision, Mission and Goals

Journal Vision, Mission and Goals


Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) aims to disseminate research findings in the field published by the Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Medicine, Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM).


Creating a society that has insightful thinking and knowledge about public health


Making the Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) a center for information and scientific studies for all surrounding communities.

Publication Time

Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) publishes 3 (three) numbers every year, namely in April, August and December.

First published was Vol. 1 No. December 1, 2014. Available online version of Vol. 1 No. December 1, 2014



This journal contains the essence of research results on problems surrounding aspects of science, philosophy and public health practice. Especially those related to:

  1. Environmental Health
  2. Occupational Health and Safety
  3. Epidemiology
  4. Biostatistics and Population
  5. Community nutrition
  6. Health Policy Administration
  7. Health Behavior and Promotion.
  8. Reproductive Maternal and Child Health

Screening for Plagiarism

Screening for Plagiarism

To check for possible plagiarism, the Editorial Team uses the Turnitin application.

  • Journals that have been received by the editorial team are checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin application.
  • Journals with plagiarism above 25% are returned to the author for further revision
  • Journals that have been revised until the plagiarism limit is below 25% will receive a plagiarism test certificate from the Jurnal Publikasi Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) Management Team