Comparison of Knowledge and Behavior of Menstrual Self-Medication between Junior High School Students and Public Health Students

Andini Sembiring(1*),Wahyudi Wahyudi(2),Anggina Zahra Salsabilla(3),Najwa Azizah(4),Nurazizah Dawamah(5),Shafira Putri Cantika(6)
(1) Faculty of Public Health, State Islamic University of North Sumatra
(2) Faculty of Public Health, State Islamic University of North Sumatra
(3) Faculty of Public Health, State Islamic University of North Sumatra
(4) Faculty of Public Health, State Islamic University of North Sumatra
(5) Faculty of Public Health, State Islamic University of North Sumatra
(6) Faculty of Public Health, State Islamic University of North Sumatra
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.20527/jpkmi.v11i3.21013


The purpose of this study was to compare the health status of students in Junior High School and lecturers at the Faculty of Public Health, UIN North Sumatera, totaling 87 respondents. To compare the results of each group, data analysis was performed using the Chi-square statistical test, t-test, and regression analysis. The findings of the research study showed that 89% of female students had very good attitudes/behaviors indicating that self-medication, compared to 86% of junior high school students. Knowledge was found to be good in 52% of female students and only 40% of junior high school students in this category. From menstruation, 44% of female students and 41% of junior high school students reduce menstruation with at least warm water, while 70% of female students and 60% of junior high school students do not take any medicine. About 68% of female students first experienced menstruation in junior high school, while 48% of junior high school students first experienced menstruation in elementary school. The practical implication of this concept is the need for menstrual education based on knowledge and skills from birth, especially for junior high school students, in order to improve their ability to handle menstruation efficiently. The findings of this study indicate that in terms of menstrual self-medication, university students have a higher level of knowledge and maturity compared to junior high school students


Female Student, Mddle School Sudents, Menstruation, Self-medicati


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Submited : 26 November 2024
Published : 28 December 2024

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