Arman Rifat Lette(1*)
(1) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Citra Husada Mandiri
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.20527/jpkmi.v5i1.5000



Tingginya laju pertumbuhan penduduk saat ini menjadi masalah besar di Indonesia dimana Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan penduduk terbanyak keempat di dunia.  Keluarga Berencana adalah penggunaan cara-cara pengatur fertilisasi untuk membantu seseorang atau keluarga mencapai tujuan tertentu. Tujuan yang dimaksud disini adalah suatu pengaturan kehamilan secara sengaja, yang tidak melawan hukum atau perundang-undang yang berlaku dan juga moral pancasila dan untuk kesejahteraan keluarga. Sumber informasi dan peran significant others penting untuk diketahui dan dikaji, mengingat banyaknya pandangan atau persepsi negatif tentang KB seperti : KB dapat menganggu kesuburan, KB bertentangan dengan ajaran agama, KB dapat menganggu kesehatan. Disisi lain ada juga  pandangan di masyarakat miskin/terbelakang, yaitu bahwa setiap keluarga senang punya banyak anak karena akan membawa kegunaan (manfaat) sebagaimana sering diungkapkan dengan “banyak anak, banyak rezeki”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sumber informasi dan peran  significant others dari ibu yang menjadi akseptor KB di klinik Pratama Citra Husada Kupang. 2. Menggali secara mendalam sumber informasi dan peran  significant others dari ibu yang menjadi akseptor KB di klinik Pratama Citra Husada Kupang. Penelitian kualitatif dengan rancangan eksplorasi dan pendekatan fenomenologi. Informan utama adalah ibu yang menjadi akseptor KB dan informan pendukung adalah petugas klinik, perwakilan BKKBN provinsi NTT dan petugas Lapangan KB. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara : 1. Observasi; 2. Wawancara mendalam. Cara pengambilan informan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan strategi convenience sampling. Untuk keabsahan data dilakukan : 1. Triangulasi sumber; 2. Triangulasi metode; dan 3. Member checking. Sumber informasi terkait program KB, yaitu : dari bidan-bidan di Puskesmas, Penyuluhan oleh petugas kesehatan di kantor  kelurahan, Dari teman  atau tetangga dan Seminar-seminar di hotel. Significant others khususnya suami sangat berperan dalam perilaku ibu menjadi akseptor KB. Jika suami tidak mendukung atau melarang maka ibu pun enggan untuk menjadi akseptor KB. Interaksi sosial antara ibu dengan bidan dan teman terbukti mendorong ibu untuk menjadi akseptor KB. Upaya pendidikan kesehatan melalui seminar atau penyuluhan juga terbukti mendorong ibu untuk menjadi akseptor KB. Selain itu, program KB akan lebih berhasil jika melibatkan suami. Suami juga perlu diberi pengertian dan pemahaman tentang program KB.


Kata-kata kunci: Akseptor KB, sumber informasi, peran significant others





The high rate of population growth is one of the big problem in Indonesia which is Indonesia is one of the fourth most populous countries in the world. Family Planning is the use of fertility regulating methods to help a person or family achieve a particular goal. The particular goal here is a deliberate regimen of pregnancy, which is not against the law or applicable legislation, the moral of Pancasila as Indonesian Ideology and the welfare of the family. Sources of information and Significant Others roles are important things that need to be known and studied, given the many negative views or perceptions of family planning such as: family planning can disrupt fertility, contrary to religious teachings, family planning can disrupt health. On the other hand there is also a view in the poor / underdeveloped, that every family likes to have many children because it will bring usefulness as often expressed as "many children, many sustenance". This study aims to determine the source of information and the significant role of others from mothers who become family planning acceptor in Citra Husada Pratama Health Clinic. 2. Dig deeply to the source of information and the significant role of others from mothers who become family planning acceptor in Citra Husada Pratama Health Clinic. Qualitative research with exploratory design and phenomenology approach. The main informants were mothers who became Family Planning acceptor and supporting informants were the Clinic Oficials, BKKBN representative of East Nusa Tenggara Province and Field Officer of Family Planning. Data collection is done by: 1. Observation; 2. In-depth interview. The way of taking informants is done by using purposive sampling technique with convenience sampling strategy. For the validity of data performed: 1. Triangulation of sources; 2. Triangulation method; and 3. Member checking. Source of information related to family planning program, which is: from midwives in Public Health Center, Counseling by Health Officer in Village Office, from friends or neighbors and Seminars at hotel. Significant Others, particularly the husband is very instrumental in the behavior of the mother to accept Family Planning acceptor. If the husband does not support or prohibit the mother is also reluctant to become Family Planning acceptor. The social interaction between mother and midwife and friend proved to encourage mother to become family planning acceptor. Health education efforts through seminars or counseling also proved to encourage mothers to become family planning acceptor. In addition, the family planning program will be more successful if it involves the husband. Husbands also need to be given understanding of family planning programs.


Keywords: Family planning acceptor, source of information, role of significant others


Akseptor KB, sumber informasi, peran significant others



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