Analysis of Macro Nutrient Intake in Toddlers at The Risk of Wasting (Case Study of Picky Eater in Toddlers in The Working Area Puskesmas Rawat Inap Cempaka)

Cast Torizellia, Yustin Ari Prihandini, Lisa Setia, Atni Primanadini


Wasting is a form of malnutrition that reflects a child's weight being too thin for his height, marked by a BB/TB z-score less than -2 Standard Deviation (SD) for wasting and a BB/TB z-score less than -3 SD for severe wasting. Quantitative study with Case Control design. The sample consisted of 35 children in the case group and 35 children in the control group. Intake of macronutrient intake with recall 1 x 24 hours 3 times. The picky eater variable was measured using the Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ). Analysis used Descriptive Test Univariate analysis, Biavariate Chi-Square Analysis and multivariate analysis using Logistic Regression. There was relationships between nutritional status (0.001), intake of carbohydrates (0.001), protein (0.016), fat (0.014), and behavior (0.002) with the incidence of picky eaters. Logistic Regression Test with Exp (B) valued respectively carbohydrate intake and protein intake. Logistic Regression Test with Exp (B) values respectively carbohydrate intake and protein intake. The conclusion of this study shows the relationship between the nutritional status of toddlers, intake of carbohydrates, protein, fat and behavior with the incidence of picky eaters.


Wasting, picky eater, malnutrition

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