Background: Indonesia has peatlands which spread all over the state and one of them is in Borneo
(Kalimantan). More than three million hectares of peatland spreads in South Borneo. Peatlands have relatively
high acidity level with pH range of 3-5. The peatlands in South Borneo is generally used for farming or public
cemetery. In certain situation, peatlands is often used as a dumping ground for criminal victims. Sometimes, the
authority finds it hard to identify the victim because the body is already decomposed. To identify the victim and
to analyse the cause of death, identification process is necessary. Teeth can be used to help the identification
process. Biological elements from the teeth namely dental pulp contains antigens that were useful to bloodgroups
determination by absorption elution method. Purpose: The objective of this research is to discover the
effect of peatlands acidity level and teeth submersions durations in determining blood-group accuracy from
dental pulp. Method: The method of this research used a quasi-experimental method to discover the effect of
peatlands acidity and pre-experimental method to discover the effect of teeth submersions duration. This
research used 48 pieces premolar teeth that were divided into 8 groups, control group, group submerged on
peatlands with pH 3,0-3,9, pH 4,0-4,9 and pH 5,0-5,9 to discover the effect of peatlands acidity and 1-day, 3-
day, 5-day and 7-day groups to discover the effect of teeth submersions time. Result: Fisher's Exact test results
showed p value 0,314 (p > 0,05) for the effect of peatlands acidity and p value 0,410 (p > 0,05) for the effect of
teeth submersions duration. Conclusion: It could be concluded that there are no effect of the peatlands acidity
and teeth submersions time to determine blood-group accuracy from dental pulp.
Full Text:
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