Background: A perfect polymerization is very important for good restoration. Good restoration is affected
by some factors. One of it is LED Light Curing Unit’s usage time. LED Light Curing Unit’s usage in which more
than five years ideal lifetime causes decreasing light intensity and compressive strength of composite resins.
Purpose: To analyze the compressive strength value of nanofilled composite resins that polymerized with a new
(never been used) and used LED Light Curing Unit’s. Methods: Laboratory experimental method (true
experimental) with post-test only with control group design. First group with 16 samples as positive control
polymerisez with new and (never been used) LED Light Curing Unit. The second group with 16 samples
polymerized with LED Light Curing Unit that has been used more than five years. Sample were molded with
4mm diameter and 8mm thick. The compressive strength value is measured with Universal Testing Machine.
Results: Independent T-Test showed p=0,000 (p<0,05), that means there was significant differences on
compressive strength’s value of nanofilled composite resins that polymerised based on Light Curing Unit’s
usage time. Compressive strength value of nanofilled composite resins polymerised by LED Light Curing Unit
that has been used more than five years was lower than new and never been used LED Light Curing Unit. Used
LED Light Curing Unit has decreasing light intensity outcome, so the photons that achieve the restoration is
reduced and cause imperfect polymerization. Conclusion: Compressive strength value of nanofilled composite
resins polymerised by LED Light Curing Unit that has been used more than five years was lower than nanofilled
composite resins polymerised by new and never been used LED Light Curing Unit.
Full Text:
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