THE INFLUENCE BETWEEN THE LENGTH OF RADIOGRAPHER WORKING TIME AND THE REDUCTION OF SALIVARY pH (Research on Radiographers at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin and RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman Banjarmasin in 2017)

Noorma Noorma, Bayu Indra Sukmana, Debby Saputera


Background: Radiographer is a radiation worker in a field of investigations that uses x-ray radiation sources for health services. X-ray radiation can cause radiation effects for radiographers, patients, the environment and surrounding communities. Salivary glands are organs which susceptible to x-ray radiation. One of the effects caused by ionizing radiation is the decrease in salivary pH. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of radiographers’ length of working time on salivary pH decrease due to exposure to x-ray radiation received by radiographers while working at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin and RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman Banjarmasin. Methods: This research was an observational analytic study using cross-sectional design. The samples used in the study consisted of 18 respondents which were radiographers who did saliva taking with total sampling technique. Result: The salivary pH measurement results showed the mean value of salivary pH on the radiographer with the average of 7 years of working which has a decrease by 0.12 from the normal salivary pH of 6.70. The statistical analysis was done using parametric statistic test of Simple Linear Regression where significant value of p = 0,003. Conclusion: There is an influence between the length of radiographer working time and the reduction of saliva pH resulting from the exposure of x-ray radiation received by the radiographer while working at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin and RSGM Gusti Hasan Aman Banjarmasin


Length Of Radiographer Work, Radiation Effect, Salivary pH

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