Risa Hermalinda, Irham Taufiqurrahman, Zairin Noor Helmi


Background: Wound healing process consists of three phases: inflammation, proliferation, maturation and remodelling. Secondary metabolites are chemical compounds that have potential to be explored and developed in search of raw materials for drugs to assist wound healing process; one of them is flavonoid. Flavonoid is classified as natural phenolic compound that has antioxidant properties coexisted with its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Flavonoid is usually available in the form of glycosides and soluble in polar solvents, such as methanol and ethanol. The bark and leaves of Ramania, a native plant of Kalimantan, contains flavonoid compound with non-optimal utilization of its potential. Purpose: To determine the differences in total flavonoid content of Ramania leaves’ extract obtained using ethanol and methanol solvents. Methods: This study is a true experimental study using post-test only with control group design; Samples collection were comprised of 27 specimens, categorized into three groups: two treatment groups using 70% ethanol solvent, one group using 70% methanol solvents, and one control group using 70% n-hexane solvent. Results: There were significant differences between ethanol group and methanol group result (p<0.05); ethanol group and n-hexane group result (p<0.05); and methanol group and n-hexane group result (p<0.05). Conclusion: This study concluded that there were significant differences in the total flavonoid content of Ramania leaves’ extract using ethanol and methanol as its solvents.


ethanol solvent, methanol solvent, ramania leaves, total flavonoid,

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