Rafika Counsul, Yustisia Puspitasari, Sarahfin Aslan


Background: Malocclusion is a dentofacial growth deviation that interferes with mastication, deglutination, speech and facial harmony. In Indonesia, the prevalence of malocclusion is constantly high (around 80%) which reached 90% among school-age adolescents in 1983 and 89% in 2006. Malocclusion condition, especially crowding, can generate plaque accumulation and calculus formation because of toothbrush inability to outreach interdental areas in crowded teeth. Aims: To determine the correlation between malocclusion severity level and oral hygiene status among class VII and VIII students at SMP LPP YW Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar in 2017. Methods: This study is an observational analytic study using cross-sectional design. Target population is class VII and VIII students at SMP LPP YW Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar. The data was collected using ICON and OHI-S assessment method. Statistical analysis was performed using Spearman test. Results: The results showed p value = 0.01 which means that there was a significant correlation between malocclusion severity level and oral hygiene status with r = 0.314. Conclusion: There is a significant correlation between malocclusion severity level and oral hygiene status among class VII and VIII students at SMP LPP YW Universitas Muslim Indonesia Makassar in 2017.


Malocclusion, oral hygiene status, prevalence.

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