Unhomeliness of Palestinian Immigrants in Salt Houses (2017) Novel by Hala Alyan

Mohamad Ralfy Ryunanda


This research explored the notion of unhomeliness experienced by Palestinian immigrants as depicted in Hala Alyan's novel Salt Houses against the backdrop of the Arab-Israeli conflict. this research conducted using the method of qualitative research with the theory of Unhomeliness by Homi K. Bhabha (2004), the result showed how the characters  Souad and Alia as Palestinians always believe they are not and perhaps can never be fully accepted by their host societies and they are always considered as outsiders, enemies within country, others and strangers embody the phenomenon of unhomeliness and reflecting their identity as a Palestinian immigrants. The study explores the way cultural identity conflict emerges with unhomeliness that concluded of how the characters issue of how they living for a long time in another country, but they still maintain their identity from their homeland.


Cultural Identity, Displacement, Palestinian Immigrants, Unhomeliness

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20527/jetall.v7i2.19201

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