Marselus Suarta Kasmiran


Teacher identity has become an issue in teaching and teachers’ professional identity development since the identity influences teachers’ teaching pedagogies and teachers’ development. Many studies have explored teachers’ identity from in-service teachers’ perspectives. Somehow, small attention has been paid to teachers’ identity construction from pre-service perspectives in Indonesian context. To fill this gap, this research investigated how Indonesian pre-service teachers constructed and reconstructed their identities through peers’ feedbacks in a micro-teaching class. There were three pre-service teachers from Sanata Dharma University who participated in this study. The data were obtained through field observations and interviews. Using Yuan and Lee’s (2015) theory, the study investigated the cognitive, social and emotional processes of their teacher identity construction. The findings of the study suggested that pre-service language teachers developed and modified their identities through peers’ feedbacks in a teaching practicum. The findings also showed that feedbacks delivered positive and negative impacts to pre-service teachers’ identity construction. Although some of the pre-service teachers did not change their beliefs, they still used the feedbacks to prepare for their next teachings. The study supported the theory that teacher identity affected to pre-service teachers’ teaching pedagogies. This paper suggested some implications for policy makers, language teacher education, and pre-service teacher education. A further research with a longer duration is expected.


peers’ feedbacks;pre-service teachers;teacher’s identity

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