Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

KONVERSI provides a center of attention for academic, researchers, industries, chemical engineers, chemists, environmental engineers, material scientists and other related field working on chemical process and technology. The scope of articles within vast area of chemical reaction engineering, thermodynamics, separation process, material science, catalysis, electrochemistry, nanoparticles, as well as the technologies for the production, processing, transportation, and use of chemicals on a large scale. Also the article related with the chemical and energy industries, especially for production of food, pharmaceuticals, fuels, and chemical feedstocks are also welcome.
KONVERSI publishes comprehensive articles on theoretical and experimental research as Current Interest, Review Articles, Original Article, Opinion, Case Reports, and Short Communications.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to the KONVERSI journal must follow the Focus and Scope and Author Guidelines of this journal. Manuscripts submitted must meet scientific value and/or be novel or new contributions to knowledge in accordance with the focus and scope of this journal.

All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be written in Indonesian (until 2024) and English (after 2025). Writers for whom English is not their native language are encouraged to check their papers before submission for grammar and clarity or with Professional English Editing. The work may not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.

All submitted manuscripts must be free from plagiarism content. All authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software to carry out similarity checks. The editor will also check the similarity of manuscripts in this journal using Turnitin software.

Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be peer reviewed by a minimum of 2 (two) or more expert reviewers. Reviewers provide valuable scientific comments to improve the contents of the manuscript. Sometimes (if necessary) a third peer-reviewer is needed to provide critical comments on the submitted manuscript. The review process used in this journal is a single-blind review system.

The final decision on manuscript acceptance is made entirely by the Editor-in-Chief and/or Editor based on the critical comments of the reviewers. The final decision on the manuscript is based solely on the Editor's final review which considers the comments of the peer-reviewers.

Publication of accepted articles including article assignments after the review process will be published based on the order of acceptance and publication date.



Article Processing Charge

Article processing charge is applied to cover publishing services after accepted for publication. There is no charge during submission and peer-review process as well as for rejected articles.

The fee of article processing charge is Rp 500.000; however, there is exception for overseas affiliation which is free of charge.


Open Access Policy

All articles published in Konversi are open access and freely as well as permanently available online.


Plagiarism Policy

Articles submitted to the Konversi will be checked for similarity using the Turnitin program. Articles that level of similarity to more than 20% it will be rejected to publish in Konversi.