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Author Guidelines

  1. The manuscript submitted must be original and has never been published elsewhere.
  2. All manuscripts must be submitted to Jurnal KONVERSI editorial office by Online Submission at journal portal URL:
  3. [click Register if you have not had any account yet, or click Log in if you have already had an account]. If authors have any problems with the online submission, please contact the Editorial Office at the following email: [email protected]
  4. The manuscript is typed in MS Word .doc format, using 10 size Times New Roman fonts, 1 (one) spaced, margins (top 3, left 3, right 3, bottom 3) on quarto paper (A4), maximum 20 pages in length. Use KONVERSI template for preparing your manuscript (Download). 
  5. The manuscript is writing in Indonesian or English.
  6. Systematic writing of articles changes. Starting in the February 2019 edition, the literature review is not a separate chapter.
  7. The systematic format of the study consists of title; author’s name; abstract (Indonesian and English); introduction (background and objectives or scope of the article); method; results and discussion; conclusions; and reference.
  8. Title. The title must be clear and informative, written with a font size of 12 points, Times New Roman, a maximum of 15 words, spaced 1, middle, uppercase and bold.
  9. Author's names and institutions. The author's name is listed without an academic degree and placed under the title of the journal, written in font size 10 points, Times New Roman, spaced 1, bold and center. Author affiliations ware listed under the name. Authors are encouraged to enter email addresses to facilitate communication. The author's name, affiliation, and e-mail ware written in font size 10 points, Times New Roman, spaced 1, center.
  10. Abstract. Abstracts are written in English (200-250 words), containing purpose and major conclusions of the study. Each article in a scientific journal must include an abstract that is generally only one paragraph (not a summary consisting of several paragraphs) that is concise, clear, intact, and there are no references to literature, images, and tables. Written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1, and italic for English abstract. Then, written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1 for Indonesian abstract.
  11. Keywords. Keywords must consist of 3 to 5 words or phrases. Words or terms that reflect article content and are informative, written under abstract, Written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1.
  12. Introduction. The introduction explains the state of the art of the research, gap analysis, and research objectives/questions. The state of the art of the research includes research background, previous research, references, and theory related to the research. The gap analysis is the statement about why the research is needed to be conducted and the novelty (uniqueness) of the research. The research objective/questions state the research problem that will be solved in the manuscript. Written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1, justify, and 1 cm for the first-line indent. Placed 2 spaces under the keyword. Subtitles were written with uppercase, bold, without number and underline. This article was 2 columns layout with a 0.5 cm space column. Figures and tables placed in the text group and gave a description. If the size of the table and figure were too large, put it in the middle of the page cross the column. The table title was put on top of the table, numbered, written in font 9 Times New Roman. The table was black and white and made without the vertical line, just 3 horizontal lines that consist of top, bottom, and separator lines between table items. Figure title was under the picture, numbered and written in Times New Roman 9. The figure was black and white without a frame. Special for figures, legend inside the graph was written in Times New Roman 9. Equations were written justify, numbered at the end of the right margin. Citations from literature using Harvard style.
  13. Method. This section explains how the research was conducted, consisting of the type of study, research subjects or population and research samples, data collection techniques or research instruments used and data analysis techniques. For research that uses tools and materials, it is necessary to write down the specifications of the tools and materials. Tool specifications describe the sophistication of the tools used while the material specifications describe the type of material used. It is written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1, 1 spaces under introduction.
  14. Results and Discussion. This section is the central part of the research article and is usually the longest part of an item. The discussion shows how the research objectives are achieved, describes and interprets the findings, integrates findings into existing knowledge, and constructs new theories or modifies existing theories. The research results presented in this section are "clean" results. The process of analyzing data such as statistical calculations and the process of testing hypotheses need not be presented. Only the results of the analysis and the results of hypothesis testing need to be reported. Tables and graphs can be used to clarify the presentation of verbal research results. Tables and figures must be commented on or discussed. Written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1.
  15. Conclusion. Conclusions present a summary of the description of the results and discussion, referring to the research objectives. The conclusion must be the same as the one discussed in the body of the text. Presented clearly. Written in font 10, Times New Roman, space 1, and 1 space after result and discussion.
  16. Acknowledgment. The acknowledgment was optional and dedicate just for research technicians supporter and formal. written in Times New Roman 10, 1 space, justify, and 1 space under conclusion.
  17. List of Symbols. This was optional. Written in Times New Roman 10 and 1 space.
  18. Reference. This section only includes paper, books, or other types of publications referred to in the body of the text. Quotes and references must strictly follow the Harvard style. Written in Times New Roman 10, 1 space, 1 cm of hanging indent, and alphabetically without numbering.
  19. Please use Reference Manager Applications like EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, etc.


Copyright Notice

As an article writer, the author has the right to use their articles for various purposes, including use by institutions that employ authors or institutions that provide funding for research. Author rights are granted without special permission.

Author who publishes a paper at Jurnal KONVERSI has the broad right to use their work for teaching and scientific purposes without the need to ask permission, including: used for (i) teaching in the author's class or institution, (ii) presentation at meetings or conferences and distributing copies to participants ; (iii) training conducted by the author or author's institution; (iv) distribution to colleagues for research use; (v) use in the compilation of subsequent authors' works; (vi) inclusion in a thesis or dissertation; (vi) reuse of part of the article in another work (with citation); (vii) preparation of derivative works (with citation); (viii) voluntary posting on open websites operated by authors or author institutions for scientific purposes (follow CC with the SA License).

Authors and readers can copy and redistribute the material in any media or format, and mix, modify and build material for any purpose but they must provide appropriate credit (provide article citation or content), providing links to the license, and indicate if there are changes.
The Authors submitting a manuscript do so on the understanding that if accepted for publication, copyright of the article shall be assigned to Jurnal KONVERSI. Copyright encompasses exclusive rights to reproduce and deliver the article in all form and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilms and any other similar reproductions, as well as translations.

Reproduce any part of this journal, its storage in the database or its transmission by all forms of media is permitted without the need for written permission from Jurnal KONVERSI. However, it should be cited as an honor in academic manners

Jurnal KONVERSI and the Chemical Engineering Department of Lambung Mangkurat University and the Editor make every effort to ensure that there are no data, opinions, or false or misleading statements published in KONVERSI. However, the content of the article is the sole and exclusive responsibility of each author.

 Prof. Ir. Meilana Dharma Putra, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D (Editor in Chief)

Editorial Office of Jurnal KONVERSI

Chemical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Lambung Mangkurat University

Jl. A. Yani, Km. 36, Banjarbaru, Kalimantan Selatan, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]