Chatimatun Nisa, Utami Irawati, Sunardi Sunardi


Logam berat merupakan unsur yang seringkali menjadi polutan utama dalam pencemaran air dan dapat membahayakan kehidupan organisme. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memprediksi pola perpindahan ion logam Pb dan Zn dari badan air ke sedimen berdasarkan fenomena adsorpsi isoterm di waduk Riam Kanan Kecamatan Aranio Kabupaten Banjar. Selain itu , penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi terhadap rona awal waduk Riam Kanan, dinamika, dan keadaan ion logam Pb dan Zn di sepanjang waduk Riam Kanan dari hulu hingga hilir. Metode yang digunakan adalah Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dengan menggunakan instrumen Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (AAS). Hasil analisis laboratorium diperoleh rata-rata kandungan Pb di air sebesar 0,0494 ppm – 0,2582 ppm, Zn sebesar 0,0002 ppm – 0,0370 ppm, sedangkan sedimen Pb sebesar 6,8311 mg/kg – 21,1756 mg/kg dan Zn 3,3778 mg/kg – 28,3522 mg/kg. Berdasarkan data percobaan ternyata perpindahan ion logam Pb dan Zn ke sedimen akan mengikuti model adsorpsi Langmuir dengan koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,8167 dan 0,8801.


Keywords: Model adsorpsi, logam berat (Pb dan Zn), air, sedimen

Heavy metals are often considered as main contaminant in water pollution and its highly dangerous for  living organisms in the contaminated area. The aim of this research  is to predict the movement pattern of Pb and Zn metal ions from water onto sediment in the Riam Kanan Reservoir, Aranio Sub-district, Banjar District. In addition, this study is expected to give information on the initial condition of Riam Kanan reservoir; dynamics; and the fate of Pb and Zn ions from upstream to downstream. The samples were analysed using AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer) based on the Indonesian National Standard (SNI). Result of laboratory analysis showed that in the water, contents of metal Pb were 0.0494 ppm – 0.2582 ppm, Zn 0.0002 ppm – 0.0370 ppm. In the sediment, contents of Pb were 0.8311 mg/kg – 21.1756 mg/kg and Zn 3.3778 mg/kg – 28.3522 mg/kg. Based on the experimental data, it was found that the displacement of Pb and Zn onto sediment complies with Langmuir adsorption model where the  determination coefficient (R2) were 0.8167 and 0.8801 respectively.


Keywords: Adsorption model, heavy metal (Pb and Zn), water, sediment


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Published By: Chemical Engineering Department