Abstrak-Surfaktan merupakan salah satu bahan baku penting didalam berbagai bidang industri, seperti: emulsifier, corrosion inhibition, foaming, detergent, dan hair conditioning. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses produksi surfaktan dari sekam padi melalui proses sulfonasi langsung. Selain itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi NaHSO3 dan peningkatan suhu terhadap jumlah surfaktan. Surfaktan pada penelitian ini dibuat dari kandungan lignin sekam padi yang diperoleh dari daerah Kuin, Kalimantan Selatan. Sekam padi terlebih dahulu dijemur dan diayak. Sekam padi lolos ayakan 355 mikron dan tertahan ayakan 250 mikron dicampur dengan 250 mL natrium bisulfit (dengan variasi 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%) untuk dicek pHnya. H2SO4 ditambahkan pada larutan campuran agar pH nya menjadi 4. Larutan campuran dipanaskan pada variasi suhu 70oC, 85oC dan 100oC. Hasil reaksi disaring dan diambil 5mL filtrat untuk dioven sehingga diperoleh serbuk sodium lignosulfonat (surfaktan). Dari hasil yang didapatkan, dapat disimpulkan semakin besar konsentrasi NaHSO3 dan temperatur operasi maka kadar surfaktan akan semakin meningkat. Yield surfaktan tertinggi diperoleh pada konsentrasi larutan NaHSO3 30% dengan suhu operasi 100oC yaitu 1,19% (%berat). Hasil perbandingan uji karakteristik larutan surfaktan sekam padi dengan larutan surfaktan sintetis (ABS) menunjukkan kedua larutan berbau sulfur dan agak asam, mempunyai pH 5 dan larut sempurna dalam air. Sementara itu untuk variabel warna terdapat perbedaan dimana untuk larutan surfaktan sintetis (ABS) berwarna kuning kecoklatan dan untuk larutan surfaktan sekam padi memiliki warna kekuningan.
Kata kunci: sekam padi, surfaktan, sulfonasi, sodium lignosulfonat, UV-VIS
Abstract-Surfactant is one of the most important raw materials used in various industrial fields, such as emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, foaming agent, detergent and hair conditioning products. This study aims to find out the surfactant production process of rice husk through direct sulfonation process. In addition, this study aims to determine the effect of variation of NaHSO3 concentrations and variation of temperature on the amount of surfactant. Surfactant in this study was made from lignin content of rice husk which was obtained from the Kuin region, South Kalimantan. Firstly, rice husk was dried and sieved. The rice husk that passed the 355 micron sieve and retained on 250 micron sieve was mixed with 250 mL of sodium bisulfite (the variations were 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30%) for pH check. H2SO4 was added to the mixture to get pH 4. The mixtures then was heated at 70oC, 85oC and 100oC. The solution result was filtered, 5 mL of the solution was ovened to obtain the powder of sodium lignosulfonate (surfactant). From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the greater concentration of NaHSO3 and operating temperature, the higher the surfactant yield will be obtained. The highest yield was obtained at a concentration of surfactant NaHSO3 solution of 30% with operating temperature of 100oC is 1.19% (wt%). The comparison of characteristics test of rice husk surfactant solution with a solution of synthetic surfactant (ABS) showed two solutions with a scent of sulfur and slightly acidic, having a pH of 5 and completely soluble in water. Meanwhile, for the color variable, there is a visible difference. For the synthetic surfactant solution (ABS) the solution was brownish yellow and rice husk surfactant solution had a yellowish color.
Keywords: rice husk, surfactant, sulphonated, sodium lignosulfonate, characteristics test
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Published By: Chemical Engineering Department