- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Screening for Plagiarism
- Publication Ethics
Focus and Scope
Journal "Wahana-Bio" focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to the field of Biology dan Biology Education. The article published on the internal and external academic community Universitas Lambung Mangkurat especially in the field of Biology dan Biology Education.
"Wahana-Bio" publishes scholarly articles in Biology dan Biology Education scope covering:
A. Biology scope:
- botany,
- zoology,
- microbiology,
- genetic,
- ecology,
- biotechnology, and
- related fields
B. Biology Education scope:
- biology curriculum,
- teaching biology,
- instructional media,
- evaluation,
- research and development
Published article published is the article the results of research, studies or critical and comprehensive scientific study on important issues and current job descriptions included in the journal.
Section Policies
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
All manuscripts submitted are read by the editorial team. Manuscripts evaluated by the editor do not match the journal criteria are rejected immediately without external review. Submissions that were evaluated of potential interest to our readers were sent to two external reviewers with a Double-Blind Review. The editor then makes a decision based on the reviewer's recommendation from several possibilities.
If the paper is deemed unacceptable for publication on Wahana-Bio and re-submission is not possible.
The submitted version of the paper is unacceptable and requires major revision, but there is a clear potential for publication on Wahana-Bio considering the new version. Authors are offered the opportunity to resubmit their paper as a new submission. Concerns will remain regarding the suitability of the paper for publication until editors are assured by the authors that their paper conforms to Wahana-Bio's scope and standards.
This paper needs changes before a final decision can be made. Authors were asked to change their manuscript based on comments received from the reviewers and editors. Submission of the new version for consideration within 2 weeks of receiving the decision letter. The revised paper results can be further reviewed because a paper can undergo more than one round of review and revision. If the author does not revise the paper, it can still be rejected from publication on Wahana-Bio.
Final Accept
Tthis paper may be accepted for publication, subject to the conditions that need to be considered in producing the final version of the manuscript. This may include sub-editing changes and minor amendments to ensure the paper fully meets our criteria. After a final checking at the editorial office, acceptance is confirmed and the paper is forwarded to the publisher for publication.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Screening for Plagiarism
To check the possibility of plagiarism, using the application TURNITIN.
The article must below 20% of plagiarism.
Plagiarism include:
- Word for word Plagiarism. The author uses the words of other authors (exactly) without mentioning the source.
- Plagiarism over the source. The author uses the idea of others without giving enough recognition (without mentioning the source expressly).
- Plagiarism of Authorship. The author acknowledged as the author of the paperwork of others.
- Self Plagiarism. Included in this type are authors publish one article in more than one editor of the publication. And recycle paper/papers. That is important in self-plagiarism is that when taking his own works, then the creation of new works produced must have a meaningful change. This means that the old Works is a small part of the new works were produced. So readers will get new stuff, which is really the author of pour on the paper using the old paper.
Publication Ethics
The Wahana-Bio Journal is a peer-reviewed journal, following the guidelines of the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE) in publication ethics regarding research cases and publication violations. This statement regulates the ethical behavior of all parties in the process of publishing articles in this journal, including writers, chief editors, managing editors, editor members, reviewers, and publishers (Lambung Mangkurat University Press). Prevention of unethical publication practices is one of the important responsibilities of the editorial board. Journals do not tolerate forms of unethical behavior and plagiarism in any form. The ethics of publication in this journal need to be clearly understood to improve the quality of research. In this section, we explain the standards for editors, writers, and reviewers. Publisher doesn’t have the right to interfere with the integrity of the contents and only support to publish on time.
A. For Editors
- Based on the review report from the editorial review board, the editor can accept, reject, or request modifications to the manuscript.
- The editor is responsible for each article published in the Wahana-Bio Journal.
- The editor can communicate with other editors or reviewers in making the final decision.
- An editor must evaluate the manuscript objectively for publication, assessing each on its quality regardless of nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, religion, gender, seniority, or institutional affiliation of the author. He must refuse his duties when there is a potential conflict of interest.
- The editor needs to make sure the documents sent to reviewers do not contain information from the author and vice versa.
- The editors 'decision must be made known to the author accompanied by the reviewers' comments unless they contain offensive or defamatory comments.
- The editor must respect the request from the author that one must not review the post if this is reasonable and practical.
- The editor and all staff must ensure the confidentiality of the text submitted.
- The editor will be guided by the COPE flow chart if there is a suspected violation or disputed authorship.
B. For Reviewers
- Reviewers need to comment on ethical questions and possible violations of research and publication.
- Reviewers will do the work on time and must notify the editor if they cannot complete the work.
- Reviewers need to maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.
- Reviewers may not accept to review texts where there is a potential conflict of interest between them and any writer.
C. For Authors
- Authors confirm that the material has never been published before and that they have not transmitted anywhere the rights to the article.
- Authors must ensure the authenticity of the work and they have quoted other people's work well following the reference format.
- Authors must not be involved in plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
- Authors must ensure that they follow the authorship criteria taken from the Wahana-Bio Journal described in the instructions for the Wahana-Bio Journal authors.
- Authors may not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously. It is also hoped that the author will not publish excessive manuscripts or manuscripts that describe the same research in more than one journal.
- Authorship must be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, implementation or interpretation of the research reported. Others who have made significant contributions must be registered as joint authors. The author also ensures that all authors have seen and agreed to the version of the manuscript sent and the inclusion of their names as joint authors.
- Authors haven’t suggested any personal information that can make a patient's identity identifiable in all forms of description, photo or genealogy sections.
- Authors must provide a data editor and job details if there is a suspicion of data forgery or fabrication.
- If at any time, the writer finds a significant error or inaccuracy in the text submitted, then the error or inaccuracy must be reported to the editor.
- Journal writers must clarify anything that can cause conflicts of interest such as employment, research fees, consular fees, and intellectual property in document B.