Inovasi Penambahan Sari Kecambah Kacang-Kacangan pada Medium Tumbuh Acetobacter xylinum untuk Membentuk Serat Nata

Sri Amintarti, Aulia Ajizah


The results of research on various types of medium for the growth of Acetobacter xylinum generally show good results, but in the provision of additional nutrients with the same nitrogen source. Bean sprouts have the potential to be an alternative source of nitrogen in the growth medium of Acetobacter xylinum because they contain protein. This study aims to describe the quality of nata produced from bacterial fermentation in the medium by adding green bean extract, cowpea, and soybeans. Experimental method with 6 replications at each treatment. The quality of the nata that is formed is seen based on the color, aroma, and fiber content produced. Data were analyzed descriptively by paying attention to respondents' ratings and the results of fiber content analysis test. The results showed the addition of green bean sprouts extract, cowpea, and soybeans on the nata de coco making medium showed good quality. The quality of nata de coco produced in each treatment has a good aroma (sour smell), the color quality of nata de coco on medium with green bean sprout extract is better than the others.


Sprouts extract; Growth medium; Acetobacter xylinum; Nata fiber content

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