Keanekaragaman Jenis Rumput (Genus Cyperus) di Kawasan Persawahan Pasang Surut Desa Beringin Kencana Kecamatan Tabunganen

Cici Ayu Wulan Dari, Hardiansyah Hardiansyah, Noorhidayati Noorhidayati


Cyperus is herbaceous plant from the Cyperaceae. This plant has a triangular stem with compound flowers. Cyperus grows a lot around rice fields because this habitat supports its life. The species diversity of Cyperus has not been recorded around the rice fields of Beringin Kencana village. The purpose of this study was to describe the species diversity of the Cyperus genus in the rice fields of Beringin Kencana Village, Tabunganen District. Descriptive method with roaming technique on line transect is used in this research. The results showed that Cyperus polystachyos, Cyperus odoratus, Cyperus rotundus and Cyperus sphacelatus lived around the rice fields of Beringin Kencana Village, Tabunganen District. The species diversity index of Cyperus is in the moderate category (H' = 1.37).


Species Diversity; Grasses; Cyperus; Rice Field; Tindal land

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