Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Kalimantan Social Studies Journal (KSS)

The Kalimantan Social Studies Journal (KSS) compiles scientific articles that focus on issues of Social Studies Education. In particular, this issue not only covers the problem of learning on social studies (Pembelajaran IPS), but also the description of local wisdom (Kearifan Lokal), the value of tradition (Nilai Tradisi) and social phenomena (Fenomena Sosial) that exist in society.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

The Kalimantan Social Studies Journal (KSS) implement the peer review process. All articles submitted to KSSJ submissions will be closed (blind review) by the mitra bestari. In general, each article will be reviewed by one or two reviewers. Feedback from this reviewer would be the basis for journal editors to determine if an article can be received (accepted), accepted when revised (accepted with major/minor revision), or discarded (rejected). An article was rejected for publication due to various considerations, such articles are not within the scope of the field of journalism, mass media and media studies; writing scientific side was insufficient to be classed in a scientific paper; The fundamental methodological errors; or because the author refuses to make improvement suggestions given by the reviewer without a logical basis. All articles submitted will be examined the plagiarism elements using software anti-plagiarism is using Turnitin application.


Publication Frequency

The Kalimantan Social Studies Journal (KSSJ) publishes twice a year, in April and October. Every volume of KSSJ contains 20 articles which 10 articles for each edition. This journal contains articles from the results of research in the field of Social Science and Social Studies Education.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Author Fees

This journal charges author fees as follows.

Article submissions and reviews are free of charge.

Processing fee for articles to be published: IDR 1,000,000

Fast Track fee for Fast Review: IDR 1,300,000