Usaha kesehatan sekolah (UKS) merupakan upaya pemeliharaan dan peningkatan kesehatan anak dan lingkungan sekolah. Beberapa sekolah di Kota Yogyakarta telah mendapatkan prestasi dalam UKS. Kegiatan UKS saat ini banyak dinilai menjadi lebih aktif ketika lomba sekolah sehat dan ketika penilaian akreditasi. Hal tersebut terlihat jauh dari filosofi UKS sendiri. Beberapa sekolah memiliki prestasi di bidang UKS dan beberapa sekolah lain bahkan belum mengembangkannya. Motivasi dalam implementasi UKS di sekolah-sekolah tersebut menjadi menarik untuk dikaji sebagai bahan pendalaman kajian nilai-nilai UKS di sekolah Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah stakeholder UKS secara purposif yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam dan diskusi kelompok terarah (DKT). Motivasi intrinsik terdiri dari kebutuhan akan prestasi, tanggung jawab dan ibadah adapun motivasi eksternal adanya penilaian akan manfaat. Sekolah berprestasi dalam bidang UKS termotivasi oleh kebutuhan keamanan dan berprestasi disertai motif tanggung jawab dan ibadah, kuat tidaknya motivasi sekolah tergantung dari kebutuhan berprestasi yang tersalurkan karena lomba.
Kata-kata kunci : Motivasi, usaha kesehatan sekolah, sekolah dasar
Health School Unit (Usaha Kesehatan Sekolah) or UKS is a method to maintain and improve of students health status and school environment. UKS activities were widely judged to be more active when healthy school competition and when the accreditation assessment. It is not appropriate with the philosophy UKS. Problems actual implementation of the basic values of UKS in school activities into question. Any schools in Yogyakarta have achievements in the field of UKS but others had not initiate its. Motivation in the implementation of UKS in these schools were interested to explore. This research aim to explore about motivation of Health School Affairs’s implementatiot. Moreover, the research were expected to develop of School Health Affairs at Elementary School in Yogyakarta. This study used a qualitative method with case study design. Subjects in this research were stakeholder of the school that elected by purposively. While the data collection were collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussions (FGD). Intrinsic motivation consists of the need for achievement, responsibility and worship as external impulses will have an effect. Achieving schools in the field of UKS motivated by the needs and terprestasi pay attention to the motives of responsibility and worship, the strength or absence of school motivation depends on the needs of achievement is channeled because of the race.
Keywords: Motivation, school health unit (UKS), elementary school
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Submited : 7 June 2018Published : 7 June 2018
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