Spatial Analysis of The Effect of Women's Autonomy on Fertility in Indonesia

Putricia Synthesa


Gender equality which has become one of the national development goals is often described by the degree of women's autonomy. The absence of the RPJMN target in terms of fertility rates in Indonesia could be due to the current low autonomy of women. The purpose of this study is to determine the spatial analysis of the relationship between women's autonomy and fertility at the provincial level and to determine the effect of women's autonomy on fertility in Indonesia. The analysis method used in this research is the spatial analysis and binary logistic regression analysis. The spatial analysis will describe spatially the relationship between women's autonomy and fertility based on 34 provinces in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the logistic regression analysis will look at the influence of the female autonomy variable on fertility in Indonesia. The results of the spatial analysis show that most provinces in Indonesia still have high fertility rates and this pattern is followed by low women's autonomy. Meanwhile, the results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that 7 out of 11 independent variables consisting of female autonomy variables and other control variables significantly affected fertility. Where the independent variables that describe women's autonomy affect on fertility in Indonesia. So that increasing women's autonomy needs to be built in terms of supporting population control.


Gender; women autonomy; fertility


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