Relationship of Age and Parity with The Incidence of Perineum Rupture in Borneo Citra Medika Pelaihari Hospital
Perineal rupture is a laceration on the perineum during delivery process (excluding iatrogenic rupture such as episiotomy). Several provinces in Indonesia in 2017-2018 reports that 1 in 5 cases of perineal rupture is shown to be fatal, one of many contributing factors in perineal rupture is age and parity. This study aims to find the relationship between age, parity, with perineal rupture on per vaginam (spontaneous) deliveries in RSIA Borneo Citra Medika, Pelaihari. This search use cross-sectional, analytic observational study that was conducted at RSIA Borneo Citra Medika from January to December 2017 with simple random sampling utilizing secondary data from medical record, total 208 samples. The result is perineal rupture was found on 16 (11.51%) samples with age <20 years old and >35 years old and on 123 (95.69%) samples with age 20-35 years old. Chi-square analysis showed no association between age and perineal rupture (p>0.05). Perineal rupture was found on 70 (50.35%) samples with primigravida and on 69 (49.65%) samples with multigravida. Chi-square analysis showed a strong association between parity and perineal rupture (p= 0.000). The conclusions are there was a significant relationship between parity with perineal rupture and there wasn’t significant relationship between age with perineal rupture.
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