Providing Acupressure Education and Training for Treating Headache to Society in Peken Hamlet, Renon Urban Village
One of the most frequent health issues that people deal with on a daily basis is headache. As they interfere with daily tasks and reduce productivity, headaches require significant treatment. Because of this, community service implementers are willing to provide counseling and acupressure training to the residents of Peken Hamlet, Renon Urban Village, in order to help them deal with their headaches. The two essential components of this community contribution are acupressure training and education. After doing the community service, the knowledge of the participants was assessed using a questionnaire to compare their knowledge before and after the activity. The results of a Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that there had been a statistically significant improvement in the participants' understanding of acupressure with a p-value of 0.05. The median knowledge score on acupressure for headaches increased from pre-program (Md = 5.00) to post-program (Md = 10.00). After receiving instructions and training, participants' knowledge of acupressure for treating headaches is thought to have increased. The society will benefit much from this exercise, especially those who frequently suffer from headaches. Participants can practice the simple acupressure technique at home before choosing to take medication because it has no adverse effects.
Keywords: Headache, acupressure, health education
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