Inferiority Complex in Adolescent Users of The Tiktok Application

Marina Dwi Mayangsari, Frits Hendrik Lala, Eef Saifullah Rosif, Nur Haliza, Fara Noor Aqilla Rambe, Risky Nuer Vitasari, Muhamad Lutfi


In today's digital era, the role of social media such as TikTok can influence the formation of adolescent self concepts. If it is not accompanied by a positive attitude, the various content seen can create a stimulus that forms a negative self-concept for adolescents. Inferiority complex is a condition in which individuals cannot compensate for feelings of inferiority so they tend to view their self-concepts negatively and feel powerless to face the environment. This study aims to determine the description of inferiority complex behavior in adolescent users of the TikTok application. This research is a mix method with purposive sampling technique. Quantitative data collection using an inferiority feeling scale. Qualitative data collection using interviews to 6 respondents with low, medium, and high inferiority complex categories. The results of the study describe that the inferiority complex behavior of adolescent users of the TikTok application is related to aspects of social confidence, school abilities, self-regard, physical appearance, and physical abilities. The survey results also found that 8.82% of teenagers using the TikTok application had a low level of inferiority complex; 85.30% at moderate level; and 5.88% at high levels.


Inferiority complex, adolescent, social media, tikTok

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