Boraks Counseling for Food Education for Students at SMK Darussalam, Tanjung Rema, Martapura City

Laily Khairiyati, Agung Waskito, Lenie Marlinae, Anugerah Nur Rahmat, Ammara Ulfa Azizah, Dhea Vaneza Prilia, Ni'ma Farida Pasha, Laura Oksin Kawalo, Salsabila Salsabila, Tri Ahdiat Akbar


Borax is a hazardous Food Additive (BTP) and its use in food is prohibited, as it has the potential to cause disease and even increase the risk of cancer. Many producers misuse it to preserve and improve the structure of food, so it is necessary to intervene in the form of activities to introduce borax detection test skills using simple turmeric principles. This service activity aims to prevent and provide awareness of food safety issues to school students. The methods used in delivering the material are lectures, questions and answers, providing borax detection test skills using simple methods, measuring knowledge after intervention and distributing pocket books. The results of knowledge improvement after education were 69.04% for class X and 57.89% for class XI. The results of measuring the category of knowledge of respondents through filling out questionnaires about BTP borax as much as 70% have a good category but, after getting education about borax has increased to 95%. The results of the paired T test that the sig value is 0.000 <0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the knowledge of respondents Pre-Test and Post-Test or before and after the provision of education about borax.


Borax, simple turmeric, food additives, food safety

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