Abstrak- Pembuatan pupuk organik cair khususnya dari sampah organik rumah tangga dengan penambahan bioaktivator EM4 (Effective Microorganisms) bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh waktu pembuatan terhadap kandungan N, P, K, dan C dalam pupuk organik cair, serta menentukan pengaruh bioaktivator EM4 terhadap kandungan N, P, K, dan C dalam pupuk organik cair. Metode pembuatan pupuk organik cair ini yaitu sampah organik rumah tangga seperti sisa sayuran, kulit buah, dan lainnya dipisahkan dari sampah anorganik. Kemudian bioaktivator EM4 disiapkan didalam sprayer. Sampah organik dirajang dan dimasukkan ke dalam komposter, larutan bioaktivator EM4 kemudian disemprotkan ke dalam komposter secara merata. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan variasi waktu 11 hari, 14 hari dan 17 hari serta variasi penambahan jumlah bioaktivator sebanyak 5 mL, 10 mL, dan 15 mL. Parameter yang diuji adalah nitrogen (N), fosfor (P), kalium (K), dan karbon (C). Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa proses pembuatan pupuk organik cair dengan variasi waktu dan variasi penambahan volume EM4 efektif dalam meningkatkan kadar N, P, dan C. Di mana nilai kandungan N, P terbesar masing-masing pada hari ke 17 sebesar 0,205 %, dan 0,0074 %, sedangkan kadar C terbesar pada hari ke 14 sebesar 0,336 % . Sedangkan pada penambahan volume EM4 kandungan N, P, C terbesarnya terdapat pada penambahan volume EM4 sebesar 15 mL masing-masing senilai 0,191 %, 0,128 % dan 0,382 %. Semakin lama proses pengomposan dan semakin besar penambahan volume EM4 cenderung menurunkan kadar K.
Kata kunci: pupuk organik cair, effective microrganisms, komposter.
Abstract- Manufacture of liquid organic fertilizer especially from organic garbage of household with addition of Bioactivator EM4 (Effective Microorganisms) aims to determine the influence of duration of the process of making a liquid organic fertilizer to the content of N, P, K, and C in a liquid organic fertilizer, and determine the influence of the addition of bioactivator EM4 in the process of making a liquid organic fertilizer to the content of N, P, K, and C in a liquid organic fertilizer. The organic garbage of household is separated from inorganic garbage. Then prepared bioaktivator EM4 in sprayer. Organic garbage is cutted entered into composter, then biocktivator sollution sprayed into composter. Intake of sample done pursuant to time variable 11, 14 and 17 days and also variation of addition of amount of bioactivator counted 5 mL, 10 mL, and 15 mL. Parameter which in test are nitrogen (N), phospor (P), kalium (K), and carbon (C). The results indicate that the process of making a liquid organic fertilizer with time variation and addition variation of EM4 effective in increasing the content of N, P, and C. Where the largest value of the content of N, P on day 17th of 0.205% and 0.0074% respectively, while the largest content of C at day 14th of 0.336%. While the addition of volume EM4, the largest content of N, P, C is on addition of volume EM4 of 15 mL at 0.191%, 0.128% and 0.382% respectively. The longer process of composting and the greater addition of volume EM4 tends to reduce the content of K.
Keywords: liquid organic fertilizer, effective microrganisms, composter.
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Published By: Chemical Engineering Department