Table of Contents
Catalytic co-pyrolysis of coal and polypropylene plastic into liquid fuel
Abstract view : 324 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.16043
Sunarno Sunarno, Silvia Reni Yenti, Anisa Mutamima, Fathiyah Huwaidah Husna, Doni Rahmat Wicakso, Muhammad Dody Isnaini
Effect of variation concentrations of cajuput oil and magnets on engine performance and flue gas emissions
Abstract view : 200 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.17553
Dony Perdana, Nur Said, Rizalman Mamat
Simulation of dimethyl ether production as LPG substitute using LNG from Arun terminal with tri-reforming and direct synthesis method
Abstract view : 420 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.17946
Faiprianda Assyari Rahmatullah, Tegar Pamungkas, Sarah Mutia, Zulfansyah Zulfansyah, Hari Rionaldo
Chemical and physical activation of natural pyrite as potential inorganic pigment material
Abstract view : 464 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.16947
Rendy Muhamad Iqbal, Sari Namarito Simarmata, Tiara Cristy Sinaga, Elfrida Roulina Simanjutak, Riandy Putra, Deni Shidqi Khaerudini
ZnO/fly ash catalyst for producing biodiesel from kapok seed (Ceiba pentranda) oil
Abstract view : 216 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.15410
Decky Achmad Novantri, Yahya Dwi Adhitya Innarta, Yohaness Somawiharja, Jiang-Min Chern, Nyoman Puspa Asri
Characteristics of PB 260 clone rubber coagulated with natural coagulants: type of Averrhoa
Abstract view : 353 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.18724
Feerzet Achmad, Deviany Deviany, Reni Yuniarti, Faizatul Fikrah, Syifa Az-Zahra, Akhlatul Qarimah, Titi Marlina, Yonathan Marasi Tambunan, Gustia Rahmadini, Damayanti Damayanti, Suhartono Suhartono, Suharto Suharto
Effect of long chain fatty acids on biogas production and biochemical kinetics in anaerobic bioreactors: a review
Abstract view : 222 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.19035
Abdul Kahar, Ianatul Khoiroh
Manufacturing the activated carbon catalyst of impregnated palm core shells for biodiesel production
Abstract view : 241 times
DOI: 10.20527/k.v13i1.17470
Ahmad Rifki, Mustain Zamhari, Indah Purnamasari