We have detailed writing guidelines for authors, but we recommend using the journal template to make it more practical.
Title in Bahasa Indonesia (Cambria, 14pt, Bold, justify-aligned, capitalization only at the beginning of sentences or names of locations or characters)
Title in English (Cambria, 10pt, Italic, text aligns "justify", Sentence case)
Author Name(1) *, Author Name(2) , Author Name(3) ... if any (Cambria, 10pt, bolt, text aligns "justify", Capitalize Each Word)
(1) Affiliation (Study Program, Faculty, University, City/Regency, Province, Country, Postal Code (Cambria, 8pt, regular, text aligns "justify", Capitalize Each Word)
(2) Other affiliation
*Corresponding Author Email: ................@................ | WA no. for correspondence: 08xx xxxx xxxx
The abstract at least contains the urgency or pressing problem (the gap between expectations and reality), the solution offered, the purpose of the research, research methods (type, data collection and analysis techniques), research results, conclusions, and research impact. Abstract is written in 200-250 words. The format of the abstract is Cambria, 10pt, justify aligned, 1 space, before 0pt, after 0pt, and not bold. There are no citations in the abstract. English and Indonesian abstracts do not exceed the first page.
Keywords: Kk 1; Kk 2; Kk 3; Kk 4; Kk 5
(The format of the title of each chapter is Cambria font, 12pt, 1 space, bold, and all capital letters) (The format of writing the contents of each chapter is Cambria font, 10pt, 1 space, not bold, and indented into 1 cm)
The introduction is the most important part to convey the purpose of conducting research or the background of conducting research activities. The introduction at least contains theories and scientific studies related to the research consisting of
1. Gap analysis that shows the gap between expectations and reality based on references and facts.
2. The urgency of the research, the potential that can and will be utilized or studied as a solution.
3. Disclose facts in the field that are aligned with the urgency of the research.
4. This solution needs to be compared with some previous relevant research.
5. Based on the synthesis of several studies, explain the novelty of your research compared to previous studies.
Methods can be divided into several parts which include:
1) Type
2) Location and time
3) Population and sample
4) Data collection techniques
5) Data analysis technique
This section may be described out of order, and does not need to be separated by subchapters or numbers. The research method is written in paragraph form. It is allowed to add flowcharts, tables, or formulas.
If there are formulas or equations used in the calculation of research results, at least the formula is given a number to the right of the formula displayed. The number is sequential from (1), to the number according to the number of formulas used. An example of the formula used can be seen in Formula (1).
....................... Formulas (1)
The research results presented are not raw data, but final data that has been processed and is easy to understand. Data can be presented in the form of tables and figures. Data in the form of tables and figures must be highlighted in the discussion paragraph, so as not to seem like a patch. Data that has been presented in the form of a table no longer needs to be described in narrative form, but directly discussed the final results or important parts that must be narrated.
Tables are captioned sequentially from Table 1, Table 2, to the umpteenth table according to the number of tables. Graphs and Figures are both captioned sequentially from Figure 1, Figure 2, to the umpteenth Figure according to the total number of Graphs plus Figures presented. The format of tables, graphs, and figures is as follows. Table writing format (Cambria, 10pt, open table, bold table title/caption placed above the table, bold table head, non-bold table contents, justify-aligned table head, table contents if one line is justify-aligned while if more than one line is left-aligned). Format of presentation of graphs and figures (The contents of figures and graphs can be seen or read clearly, the title/caption of graphs and figures is placed below with Cambria font, 9pt, not bold or italic, space 1, before 6pt, after 12pt, and justify-aligned position).
The research discussion consists of at least the following sections.
1) It starts with highlighting the data displayed either in the form of tables, graphs, or images.
2) Provide explanations related to the research results.
3) Compare with some relevant previous research results. Make sure the previous research is from national or international journals.
4) Based on the comparison, explain whether the research results are in line or there are differences, whether in the form of methods, results, research subjects, or others. The purpose of this comparison is to determine whether these studies support or complement each other, or vice versa.
5) The results of the comparison are then analyzed and supported with references from recent national and international journals (last 10 years).
6) Explain the scientific impact based on point 5) on the future of education, especially the field of biology education.
Sources of quotations or citations are written with the author's last name and year. The writing of quotations or citations follows the following rules:
1) If at the beginning of a sentence:
a) If it consists of one author, it is written Putra (2023)
b) If it consists of two authors, it is written Putra & Fajeriadi (2023)
c) If it consists of three or more authors, it is written Putra et al. (2023)
2) If at the end of a sentence:
a) If it consists of one author then it is written (Putra, 2023)
b) If it consists of two authors, it is written (Putra & Fajeriadi, 2023)
c) If it consists of three or more authors, it is written (Putra et al., 2023)
The conclusion is a summary of the results and discussion of the achievement of the objectives in solving the research problem. Explain the scientific impact for future education, especially biology education. Finally, provide follow-up suggestions for future researchers.
Acknowledgments are addressed to the research funding institution, or the research partner if the research was conducted outside the institution, or the research licensor. Other than that there is no need to write in the acknowledgments, or further explanation contact the editor. For students, it is not allowed to give thanks to thesis/thesis/dissertation supervisors whose names are listed in the author members on the first page of the article.
The bibliography should only contain references that are quoted or cited in the article. The bibliography is written in APA Style. At least 80% of the references are from journals of the last 10 years. We recommend using the Mendeley reference management application.
Cooper, J. D. (1993). Literacy: Helping children construct meaning. Boston Toronto: Hougton Miffin Company.
Winkel, W. S, & Hastuti, M. S. (2005). Guidance and counseling in educational institutions. Eternal Media.
Letheridge, S. & Cannon, C. R. (Eds.). (1980). Bilingual education: Teaching English as a second language. New York: Praegar.→Books with editors
Ary, D., Jacobs, L. C. & Razavieh, A. No year. Introduction to educational research. Translation by Arief Furchan. (1982). Surabaya: National effort. →Translated book
Kumaidi. (1998). Measurement of early learning provision and test development. Journal of Educational Sciences, (Online), Volume 5, No. 4, (http://www.ulm.ac.id, accessed January 20, 2000.→Online Journal
Shelly, D. R. (2010). Periodic, chaotic, and doubled earthquake recurrence intervals on the deep San Andreas fault. Science, 328 (5984), 1385-1388.
Wilkinson, R. (1999). Sociology as a marketing feast. In M. Collis, L. Munro, & S. Russell (Eds.), Sociology for the new millennium. Paper presented at The Australian Sociological Association, Monash University, Melbourne, December 7-10 (pp. 281-289). Churchill: Celts.→Proceedings
Ghazali, S. (1999). Sentence complexity of elementary school students. Unpublished dissertation. Banjarmasin: Lambung Mangkurat University. → Thesis, Thesis, Research Report
United Arab Emirates architecture. (n.d.). Retrieved June 17, 2010, from UAE Interact website: http://www. uaeinteract.com/ →Website
Center for Language Development. (1978). Guidelines for writing research reports. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture. → Government Documents
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 of 1989 concerning the National Education System. (1990). Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya. → Government Documents published by publishers and without institutions
Jawa Pos. April 22, 1995. Lower-class women are more independent, p.3. → Newspaper article/news (without author's name)