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Author Guidelines


Karya ilmiah harus asli, belum pernah dipublikasikan di media lain, atau sedang dalam proses review untuk dipublikasikan di publikasi lain. Pemeriksaan kesamaan maksimal 20%. Menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia atau Bahasa Inggris dan harus diajukan secara online melalui Penulis harus mendaftar atau login terlebih dahulu untuk masuk ke artikel.
Using A4 paper (21cm x 29.7 cm) with left, top, right, and bottom margins of 3 cm. The minimum paper number is 5 pages, maximum 16 pages unless there is an attachment, maximum tolerance is 20 pages with 1 space and alignment justify. Manuscripts are written in Indonesian or standard English, MS Word digital format, Time New Roman font size 11 pt, 1,15 spacing for content, 10 pt and 1 space for abstracts. References from scientific journals take precedence over the last 10 years. The citation in the script uses the APA system.

Script Content

The title is a maximum of 15 words, font times Times New Roman Alignment Left with Bold.
The author's name does not use a title, includes institutional affiliation and email.
Abstracts maximum of 300 words, one paragraph, notables, and figures.
Keywords of at least 3 words and a maximum of 5 words, separated by semicolons (;).
Systematics of writing: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.
List of Quotations and References using the APA 6th Style Edition format. It is recommended to use reference applications such as Zotero, Mendeley, Endnotes, and the like.
Before sending the manuscript, it is recommended to do typographical checks and grammatical errors as well as similarity checks, through:
The title is a maximum of 15 words, font times Times New Roman Alignment Left with Bold.
The author's name does not use a title, includes institutional affiliation and email.
Abstracts maximum of 300 words, one paragraph, notables, and figures.
Keywords of at least 3 words and a maximum of 5 words, separated by semicolons (;).
Systematics of writing: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, and References.
List of Quotations and References using the APA 6th Style Edition format. It is recommended to use reference applications such as Zotero, Mendeley, Endnotes, and the like.
Before sending the manuscript, it is recommended to do typographical checks and grammatical errors as well as similarity checks, through:

Contribution Fee:

The entire process in Geografika starting from submitting articles, reviewing articles to publishing articles is free (FREE).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. Teksnya satu spasi; menggunakan font 12 poin; menggunakan huruf miring, bukan menggarisbawahi (kecuali dengan alamat URL); dan semua ilustrasi, gambar, dan tabel ditempatkan di dalam teks pada titik yang sesuai, bukan di akhir.
  5. Teks mematuhi persyaratan gaya dan bibliografi yang diuraikan dalam Panduan Penulis , yang dapat ditemukan di Tentang Jurnal.
  6. Jika mengirimkan ke bagian jurnal yang ditinjau oleh rekan sejawat, instruksi dalam Memastikan Tinjauan Buta telah diikuti.

Privacy Statement

Nama dan alamat email yang dimasukkan dalam situs jurnal ini akan digunakan secara eksklusif untuk tujuan jurnal ini dan tidak akan tersedia untuk tujuan lain atau pihak lain mana pun.