Journal Title | : | JURNAL GEOGRAFIKA : Geografi Lingkungan Lahan Basah |
Initials | : | JGP |
DOI | : | |
OAI | : | |
p-ISSN (Print) | : | 2746-8194 |
e-ISSN (Online) | : | 2746-2161 |
Person in Charge | : | Dr. Nasruddin, S.Pd., M.Sc. |
Editor in Chief | : | Muhammad Efendi, S.Pd., M.Pd. |
Layout Editor | : | Muhammad Apriadi, S.I.P |
Frequency | : | 2 issue in a year (June and December) |
Publisher | : | Geography Study Program, Lambung Mangkurat University |
: | [email protected] | |
Indexation | : | Google Scholar / Sinta 4 / Garuda / Index Copernicus (ICI) |
GEOGRAFIKA JOURNAL (Wetland of Environmental Geography) is a journal in the fields of geography: environment & disaster, geospatial information, and regional development planning. Focus and Scope of Journal: Wetland of Geography Environmental Management; Forest and Land Fires; Floods, Landslide, Droughtness; Climate Change; Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System; Sustainable Development; Endemic, Epidemic & Pandemic phenomenon; Applied Geography. Published twice a year (June and December) by the Department of Geography, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Lambung Mangkurat University, which contains aspects: (1) Research results, (2) Opinions, book reviews and reliable information concerning the wetland environment in various scientific fields.
- Center for Scientific Publications in Wetland of Environmental Geography
- Produce of result quality research, community service activities, and scientific thinking about environmental wetland management.
- Produce of quality writer's professionalism for scientific work.
- Produce of conducive working culture & innovation surrounding for the writer’s creativity development.
- Produce of inter-institutional collaboration in upgrade journal management system.